1 minute read


with Jano Kotzas

More than a display

Visual merchandising is the ability to tell a story through product presentation. Through signage, colour, and the elements of design, products have a better visual appeal, and therefore, improved ability to sell.

The beauty of visual merchandising comes from the artistic accents. Adding styling elements, or props, into a display enhances a product’s appeal and creates a cohesive, thematic story.

Also, don’t forget to engage all the senses! Visual merchandising is more than just a shelving display. Think of how calming music, or a delicious scent can make your client’s experience even better. Ease harsh lines with luxe signage to support your product choice and use clever pricing techniques to catch your client’s eye – blackboards and oversized swing tags can be very effective.

Next time you’re merchandising, try the Pyramid Principle. Placing items in a triangular fashion ensures there’s a variety in height so the display doesn’t appear flat, and it allows the customer’s eye to travel throughout the design. When in doubt, use the rule of odd numbers; three is the magic number when it comes to visual merchandising!

Not yet confident? Our team at VM+ are skilled stylists with the experience to make your windows and displays beautiful!

Brisbane’s market in focus

The real estate market in Brisbane has been experiencing some significant shifts in recent years, and 2023 has been no exception. As we move through the year, it’s important to understand where the market stands and where we expect it to move forward.

One of the most notable trends in the Brisbane property market is the rise in demand for affordable housing. This has led to an increase in the number of apartments and townhouses being sold within a short timeframe around the city, as well as a demand for older, more affordable homes in established suburbs.

Another trend that has been observed is the growing interest in properties outside of the city. As more people move away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there’s been a surge in demand for properties in the outer suburbs and surrounding areas, such as Ipswich and Logan. These areas offer a more relaxed lifestyle, as well as more affordable housing options.

Looking ahead, it’s likely that the property market will continue to shift and evolve. With the economy slowly recovering, we may see a continued increase in demand for affordable housing options. Additionally, we may see a rise in the number of properties being built in the outer suburbs.

Overall, the Brisbane property market remains a stable option for investors and homebuyers alike. Touch base with our dynamic team to discuss your next purchase or sale.

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