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Circle of kindness

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A sweet circle of kindness goes around in a special way.

I was walking to my neighborhood McDonald’s one day and I unexpectedly came across a person in need. This person was down on her luck and she had a sweetness of the heart. I noticed it in the way she carried herself. She asked me if I could provide her with something to eat. And that I did. I also gave her something to drink.

She was so happy and excited she even clapped her hands and thanked me. Little did I know, this blessing would return to me in a circle of kindness, three to four months later. It would be returned to me when my pockets were low. I could not pay for all my groceries one day. But on that special day, a lady that was in front of me overheard me talking to the cashier.

She stepped in with a smile and said all of us are a little short of money sometimes. It is an experience she said she had been through before. “I am going to pay for the rest of your groceries today,” she said.

I was very happy and thanked this lady for doing this good deed. I also told her how helpful it was for her to do this act of kindness. I said a special prayer for her so she could receive a blessing in return for her good deed. More people should enter this circle and make it never end.

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