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Welcome to our seventh issue of SIMUL, the journal of St. Paul Lutheran Seminary. This edition includes a number of insightful articles concerning church renewal. In this volume, John Pless explains how revitalization flows from the font, pulpit and altar. Tom Hilpert explains the value of small groups in any effort to restart a congregation. Tony Ede emphasizes the importance of creating a church renewal plan. Randy Freund shows how the scriptures and our Lutheran Confessions are invaluable guides for recharging a church. And Brad Hales underscores how discipleship and visitation are key elements in any effort to rejuvenate the church. Finally, I close out this issue with a review of Sarah Hinlicky Wilson’s delightful new novel A-Tumblin’ Down.

What’s Ahead?

Upcoming Issues

We are so excited about this coming year. Luther’s theology of vocation will be the subject of our Summer 2023 issue, and our Fall 2023 issue will discuss the Office of the Ministry.

SPLS to offer Th.D. and Ph.D. Programs soon

Saint Paul Lutheran Seminary is excited to announce that the development of both a Doctor of Theology (Th.D) program and a Ph.D. program are underway! The Th.D. is a graduate research degree, similar to a Ph.D., but with the specific purpose of raising a new generation of teaching theologians for seminaries which are training pastors for the Lutheran church anywhere the Holy Spirit calls. As we have done with our M.Div. degree, we are partnering with Sioux Falls Seminary for an accredited Th.D., while all instruction is with SPLS faculty. Our goal is to have the Th.D. program in place for Spring semester of 2024 and the Ph.D. shortly thereafter. If you are interested in supporting our effort to produce faithful teachers of Christ’s church, contact Jon Jensen jjensen@semlc.org. All prospective student inquiries can be directed to Dr. Marney Fritts mfritts@semlc.org.

India Classes

St. Paul Lutheran Seminary has partnered with the Lutheran School of Theology in India to provide education for their pastoral candidates – they had eleven students in their first graduating class! Unfortunately, we have no funding for our American professors, and they have been providing their services pro bono. While their generosity has kept the classes going for the time being, this situation is sadly unsustainable. If you would like to support our commitment to educating Indian pastors for ministry, please consider making a generous contribution at: https://semlc.org/support-st-paul-lutheran-seminary/. Also, please pray for the LSTI building project, its academic schedule and students’ stipends.

I hope you enjoy this issue of SIMUL! If you have any questions about the journal or about St. Paul Lutheran Seminary, please shoot me an email at dennisdimauro@yahoo.com

Rev. Dr. Dennis Di Mauro is the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Warrenton, VA. He teaches at St. Paul Lutheran Seminary and is the editor of SIMUL.