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Faith · Community · ServiCe The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack

At Saint Paul’s, we offer a comprehensive extra-curricular program. We believe there is a niche for everyone here; we respect the diverse interests of our students.

In athletics, Saint Paul’s has a long and heralded tradition of excellence in district, regional, and state competition. We strive to win the right way-through touching the hearts of our athletes and competing together for shared success. The Wolves participate in 16 different sports through the year, with teams competing from junior high to varsity levels.


Many of our other activities are competitive (Math Tournaments, Robotics, Eco Car), some enrich the curriculum (Spanish Club; HOSA, a national organization for students interested in the medical profession; Yearbook; Paper Wolf), some are performance-oriented (Band, Theater), and some are service organizations (Habitat for Humanity, Lasallian Youth Leaders, Key Club, Student Hosts, Student Council). All activities provide opportunities for student growth, and all serve to anchor students more strongly to the school community, deepening the bonds of brotherhood. It is through the extra-curricular programs that the students learn to work together for common goals, where friendships are formed and nurtured, where students create life-long memories and learn lessons that will inform their adult years.

“Saint Paul’s was five of the best years of my life. What I experienced during those five years in my role as a son, a friend, a Catholic, a student, a community member, did more to shape my character and outlook than any other experience in my life. Those guys, my brothers, are directly and intrinsically ingrained in my character and outlook.”

- Saint Paul’s School Alumnus, Class of 2006

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