3 minute read

A Reflection from Mr Houlihan

"Courage has been plentiful in the many individual acts of students reengaging, participating and team building post-pandemic. It requires valour to try out for a sports squad, daring to audition for a production role, mettle to take on Exodus and resolve to be a leader. "

As we approach the end of my first term as Head of the School, and in my 22nd year at St Michael’s, I continue to be impressed by the energy and enthusiasm of our students, the breadth of their endeavours, and their openness to new experiences. Reading through this latest edition of The Crest, I am in awe of how our students have so readily embraced the return to onsite learning and taken up the many opportunities available to them. The word for the year in 2022 was ‘courage’ and it has taken a great deal of collective courage to return our School to its typically vibrant, busy self. The pandemic has been a major disrupter, and not just in the manner that it required us to constantly pivot, reimagine, and redesign so many activities. The post-pandemic world is different and has gifted us ‘fresh eyes’ to observe our environment anew. This in turn has led to a necessary shift in our thinking, requiring us to relearn, in a subtly different way, skills and habits which were once second nature. For our students, this has meant readjusting to a communal learning environment, rather than learning in the more isolated confines of their home or bedrooms. This has required greater intentionality on their part in contemplating and respecting the protocols and behavioural expectations associated with participation in school events. Courage has been plentiful in the many individual acts of students reengaging, participating and team building postpandemic. It requires valour to try out for a sports squad, daring to audition for a production role, mettle to take on Exodus and resolve to be a leader. The many stories you will read in the following pages are testimony to the fact that our students have shown great courage in doing all these things and more. Such courage is, in many ways, a manifestation of the Learner Dispositions we seek to instil in our students through our Teaching, Learning and Caring Framework. Our students are supported to develop eight Learner Dispositions, including to be Confident, Tenacious, Curious and Motivated. Confidence is especially relevant as we define it as to be brave in our actions, willing to try new things and believe in ourselves. Our staff have also displayed great perseverance and courage. It has taken a huge effort for them to re-establish norms, rethink programs to ensure they are relevant in 2022, and relaunch activities after a two-year hiatus. You will see throughout this publication evidence of the commitment, determination and pride our staff take in supporting our students and giving them so many opportunities to grow and develop. Parents too, have played an important role. The Parent Community Association has tirelessly worked to offer a broad range of events designed to build a strong sense of community among our parents, including the huge undertaking that was the Community Festival. In turn, parents have been both enthusiastic participants and eager volunteers. As we reflect on the year that was, we can be justifiably proud of the way in which our whole School community has leaned in. We have shown courage, and joy, in re-immersing ourselves in the richness that is life at St Michael’s. And with the approach of the festive season and holiday, I wish you and your families every blessing and much joy, safely shared in each other’s loving company.