3 minute read

Up and coming musos: ‘Hijackk’ and ‘Coy Fox’


INDUBITABLY, SOCIAL MEDIA HAS TOTALLY CHANGED THE CREATION AND CONSUMPTION OF ART… WHAT’S YOUR OPINION ON THE SIZE OF THE ROLE THAT SOCIAL MEDIA PLAYS IN ART THESE DAYS? I believe that it is an integral part of a small business. Starting out, social media is a pivotal part of growing and learning what people like. Although social media undoubtedly has negative impacts, it has helped with the progression of my art. Through the constant feedback and insight you gain directly from consumers I have come to learn what is received well and what might need to be refined. It has made me more passionate about mastering skills and processes to, in turn, satisfy my audience.

WHAT DOES YOUR ART MEAN TO YOU? WHERE DO YOU WANT TO TAKE IT? Making art for me, is apart of everyday life. It’s the one thing I’ve always been drawn to and over the past couple years it has become a focal point of who I am today. My Mum is a huge inspiration to me- she is a freelance graphic designer and my number one fan. She has been in the art field for many years and has gathered a wide range of essential knowledge when it comes to being an artist. Being an artist in this day in age can be difficult due to the idea that you have to be successful. I think it is important to love what you do. In the future, the goal is of course to still enjoy what I do today. Ideally, I would love to be able to rely solely on my art and open up my own shop.

YOUR WORK IS NOT TRADITIONAL... DO YOU STILL CONSIDER IT ART? I personally think that all forms of art should be considered true art. My art is true to who I am and the way I express myself. I often get asked if I have a graffiti background which could be reflective of my artworks. However, I would like to say that my style has developed through being a fan of all types of street art. Over time my art taken on many forms of simplistic pattern work, on all types of surfaces, using a range of different mediums so I guess you could say the way my art is perceived is constantly changing.

sleep.. what’s the big deal?

Sleep is so important to your mental and physical health. But despite it being such an essential and allegedely routine part of life, it can be really difficult, particularly so during lockdowns.’Sleep hygeine’ is a behavioural and environmental practice that emerged in the 1970s. While it has since been discouraged for its intended use (treatment for mild to moderate insomnia), it provides useful advice for getting a better night’s sleep.

SLEEP SCHEDULE - get your recommended hours of sleep (7-8 for adults) through sleeping at night, as opposed to through napping. - track and follow your circadian rhythm (internal body clock). One way to do this is to ditch your alarm for a few days and see when your body naturally wakes up, and plan your days accordingly (as much as possible).

ACTIVITIES - exercise is invaluable to good and easy sleep because it burns energy, reduces physiological arousal, and improves brain function. Just make sure not to exercise too late in the day, because the endorphin ‘high’ that you experience after exercise can inhibit sleep. - only use your bed for sleep and sex, as spending too much conscious time in bed (such as watching television in bed) can reduce the depth and length of your slumber.

SUBSTANCES - avoiding consuming food, drink, and other substances with stimulant properties (such as caffeine and nictoine) before bed - try to have dinner no less than three hours before you go to bed, as digestion can prevent you from falling asleep - limiting liquid water intake can help you habve a less interrupted night’s sleep - dairy foods contain tryptophan, which is a sleep-promoting substance

ENVIRONMENT - having a cool and quiet sleeping environment is important - having your bedroom as dark as possible is also ideal as light inhibits the release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone