2 minute read




Dear Alumni, Parents, Students, and Friends, We are so blessed to be at St. Mary’s. This year, we have welcomed another extraordinary group of young people into our community. We are providing an exceptional STEM experience for our students and solidifying our Catholic educational experience from pre-k through grade 12. This past year, I have had the privilege to speak with so many of our families about what St. Mary’s means to them. For many of our new students who joined us in September, this was the first time they have been on a school campus since March of 2020. These students have risen to the occasion; they are eager to learn, to be part of the incredible community, and are excelling academically. In January of 2020, under the leadership of our Board of Trustees, we entered into a strategic planning process. Led by co-chairs, Mark Doyle and Ellen Fritz, we established a comprehensive strategic plan for St. Mary’s, ASCEND 2026. What you will find remarkable about this plan is the emphasis that is placed on the whole student. The success of St. Mary’s is, and will continue to be, directly correlated with the success of each student and family that we serve. We know now, more than ever, the importance of meeting each of our students where they are and providing them with the foundation and groundwork to reach their full potential. We are eager to begin this next phase of ASCEND 2026, developing the key strategies to fulfill this promise to our community. Our aim is to ensure that not only is each student academically successful, but prepared for what life will look like after St. Mary’s. This means strengthening the partnerships that we have with our neighbors and providing mentorships and real-world experiences for our students. They will leave St. Mary’s with the tools that they need to have an impact on wherever their next journey may be. It is thrilling to be part of St. Mary’s at this pivotal time in our history, and I am even more hopeful for the future of our School. Forward, Always Forward

Dr. John F. Dolan Head of School

PS: As I always ask, please do three things for us at St. Mary’s: Pray for us, recommend a student, and consider a gift. Please support St. Mary's by doing all three.

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