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In 2003, renowned educational expert, Professor John Hattie from the University of Melbourne identified five key influences on academic success: the student, their home, their school, their peers, and their teachers. Yet, many students who are bright, attend a great school, have encouraging parents and expert teachers still do not achieve at the level they are capable of, leaving many parents, teachers, and schools to ponder ‘is there a secret recipe to academic success?’
Current research supports another key factor of influence – that of social and emotional development and the role of schools. In 2022, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) released a report on The Indirect Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people and Adolescence. The Report “highlighted the importance of schools beyond academic learning, where the social, emotional, and physical health of children and young people can also be supported.”
In Barbreck we know girls who are happy, feel safe and are connected to their peers and teachers will naturally reach and extend their academic goals. Our academic programs are built from a foundation of care. Our Academic Care Model ensures every girl is taught in a safe and encouraging environment. Our personalised approach to learning ensures every girl is supported, extended, and understood – providing her with the best opportunity to succeed and progress well.
Our exceptional levels of achievement in NAPLAN in Years 3 and 5 over the past four years, can be as John Hattie states, attributed to the expertise of our Barbreck teachers, our focus on student learning and academic and pastoral care, and the safe and encouraging climate we create at Barbreck.
Our personalised approach to each girl’s learning and the way in which we differentiate to ensure the needs of all girls, from those needing support to those requiring extension, are all catered for. Through this deliberate recipe of personalised teaching blended with academic care, our Barbreck girls are well-equipped to harness their innate capabilities and excel in their chosen pathways.
Ms Karen McArdle
Head of Junior School
Hattie, J. (2003), Teachers Make a Difference, What is the research evidence? Paper presented at the Building Teacher Quality: What does the research tell us ACER Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI), (2022) The Indirect Impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on young people and Adolescence.