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Co-curricular Opportunities

We Empower Her Signature, Her Voice

Empowering young women to discover through experience and find their voice in the communities and world around them through a bespoke Co-curricular program, Her Signature.

Senior School SPORT Rowing

• St Catherine’s School’s First VIII Rowing Crew won the Prince Philip Challenge Trophy at the prestigious Henley Royal Regatta in the UK.

• The 2022 St Catherine’s School Rowing season will go down in history as the School’s most successful season.

• St Catherine’s First VIII Crew (MMXXI) are now reigning international champions, Australian Champions, and back-to-back Head of Schoolgirls Champions.


St Catherine’s School had an incredible return to the mountains after two years off the snow. Over the season our Snowsports Team achieved:

• Victorian Interschools Championships

– Primary Girls School Champions.

• Victorian Interschools Championships

– Secondary Girls School Champions.

• Victorian Interschools Championships

– Primary Girls Cross Country Champions.

• Victorian Interschools Championships

– Secondary Girls Cross Country Third Place.

• Australian Interschools Championships – Primary Female Champions.

• Australian Interschools Championships – Primary Female Cross Champions.

• Australian Interschools Championships – Secondary Female Runners Up.

• Australian Interschools Championships – Secondary Female Cross Country Runners Up.

GSV Sport

2022 produced St Catherine’s School’s most successful year within the GSV Competition, with 14 finalists (12 in A Grade competitions).

Athlete Development Academy

Established in 2022, the St Catherine’s Athlete Development Academy provides a platform to aspiring female athletes to further develop their sporting abilities through individualised sport-specific training programs and a suite of athlete education services including sports psychology, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention, time management and goal setting.

In 2022, 13 athletes participated in the pilot program, with provision to expand the program in following years.

Partnerships with Sporting Bodies

St Catherine’s built partnerships with Team Mathews Running and the Malvern Harriers Athletics Club. These provide access to elite coaching for our runners who would like to further their engagement in the sport, as well as access to facilities for our GSV training sessions.