2 minute read

Energy efficiency at home

• Leggings cut to strain cow’s milk for cheese, or boiled soybeans for tofu.

• Clothes – take them to the tailor for repairing or modifying. • Present packaging – using fabric and the Konmari method, you can reduce the amount of material thrown out. • Old clothes or fabric – for handkerchiefs or fabric bags (for example: old shirts for (cotton) bags).



When we talk about Zero Waste, we include in the concept not only a decrease in the amount of rubbish, but also less waste in terms of time, money and energy. Now, let’s focus on energy. Specifically, on the energy that helps us take a

hot shower after a hard day, cook popcorn in the microwave and watch new episodes on Netflix.

Nothing is created from emptiness, and the production of most energy requires huge amounts of resources (human, intellectual, natural, etc.). So, every time you leave the phone charging, another heap of industrial waste enters the ocean (oopsie...). We aren’t encouraging you to live in huts or trees, although hmm, this is also not a bad idea... We want to give you simple recommendations for how not to waste energy and money, and create a sustainable home space. The average energy consumption of our households is about 190 kilowatthours per month, and almost two-thirds of this energy is spent on the work of the refrigerator and lighting. Let’s start the tour of the house in the kitchen. The most voracious consumer is the refrigerator. In order for it not to become an energy black hole or a broken piece of junk, we have two tips: • Defrost it regularly if it doesn’t have a special No Frost system.

• Only put cooled dishes in it.

In addition to the refrigerator, pay attention to the electric stove:

• Monitor the kilter

• Put only suitably sized dishes in it. • Cover pots and pans with lids, because this reduces the heat loss by almost 3 times.

Well, that was interesting. Let’s go to the bathroom. But before that, don’t forget to turn off the lights in the kitchen – don’t leave them on in vain.

In the bathroom, if you have a washing machine, we advise you not to overload it, as this increases the consumption of electricity by 10%. And wash your clothes using the average temperature. For example, washing at 30°C spends 35% less energy than at 45°C. By the way, do you like to iron things? You can still iron your clothes, on a low temperature, after turning off the iron.

After finishing in the kitchen and in the bathroom, you can relax. But! Before going to bed, do not forget to unplug the TV, printer, computer, microwave and scanner. This will save up to 200 kW per year.