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Driving change with what we have


Driving Change with What You Have


How can we contribute to more just futures? We believe that the more we focus on solutions in our own surroundings, the more people can experience sustainable livelihoods. If we start with what we have and build on what we know, we can drive change that is based on local knowledge systems. This can increase and accelerate local economic and sustainable development.

The project Community Changemaker 2030 (CC2030) aims to anchor strengthbased methods in youth work: Using ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development), Participatory Video (PV) and Project Management tools, CC2030 trains young changemakers and youth workers in implementing home-based solutions towards climate justice.

Together with partner organisations from Germany and South Africa, we collected tools that contribute to active citizenship, community building, global learning and climate protection. The implementing organisations Starkmacher e.V. and Amava Oluntu focus on the urban regions around Mannheim and Cape Town.

This toolkit contains the core methodologies explored that we would like to share with others who may benefit from this strength-based approach.