2 minute read

Bike Shop

By Clutch Roberts

I've been riding dirt bikes a long time and I have figured something out about it. I love to ride both fast and hard, as well as to explore. I've learned that there are two camps around riding dirt bikes. Some people like to haul, while others like to cruise.

Lots of people who like to haul on their bikes find their way to racing motorcycles. Even if they don't race, you can find them pounding laps on the Pala vet track or wherever they like to ride. I get it, I really like to ride hard. Since I was very young, I liked to find a track or even just a section of familiar trail and go as fast as I can. Anyone ever really push it on Crossover Trail in Ocotillo Wells? I have.

One thing about me and some of my buddies is, we also like to explore new areas, new trails, even new race tracks. Exploring a new area is usually a lower performance activity. If it's good, we will come back and ride it hard.

Plenty of people just like to explore on their bikes. A whole new segment of motorcycle riding has surfaced known as Adventure Riding, with bigger motorcycles that are both highway and dirt capable. Real dirt bikers may not consider these bikes real dirt bikes, but they can go down dirt roads and trails.

In 2016, a Honda Africa Twin was entered in the Vegas to Reno desert race and came home 73rd out of 111 competitors. Adventure riders love to explore new places, but they really crave seat time, burning gas. Adventure riders will often have big gas tanks, skid plates and hand guards. I'm in the minority in that I really like both.

I have entered hundreds of motorcycle races. I always give it my all when racing. I also really like to explore on my bikes. I will open maps and look for routes I've never done that look interesting.

I was thrilled when I found trails that went from the city of Highland over to Big Bear Lake. I made some inquiries to find out if the routes were really open, then booked hotel rooms for my friends and me. The first time we rode it, it was a wonder. The third time it was a race. I've led rides in Ocotillo Wells that were fast and fun, but heard complaints when we covered the same trail two or three times. Funny thing is the complainer regularly practices motocross and does a ton of laps on the exact same track.

Adventure riders may pick up the pace from time to time, but never really go for it. Sport riders love to run a hard pace, but likely won't want to explore what is on the other side of that distant hill.

I'm that rare rider that will skid into turns, spin my rear tire on the way out, babysit a new rider on one of their first rides in the desert and go see what is behind that distant hill.