1 minute read

Refugee Rights

rally to demand Thales off campus on Feb 23rd.

I had lots of fun at the Welcome Party organised by General Secretary Jasmine! I’ve recently been attending committee meetings, such as UE Education, where I identified the need for improved wait times for students with Special Considerations, because the advent of 5-day simple extensions hasn’t improved this system. Myself and SUPRA also raised difficulties that domestic students are having accessing hybrid learning, where disabled students have identified their need.


some trolls, but everyone can have a tote bag.

J: Yeah and we also had our first Council meeting, which went from 6pm till midnight, and took a minimum of 8 years off my life. Important motions were moved, councillors chastised, nobody escaped slander.

T: Sounds fun! We’re prepping for our March council now, working on budget allocation and SSAF and Radical Education Week is also in the works.

J: Real recognises real. Toodles Gensec Tiger!

T: Thanks for chatting Gensec Jaz!

to draw attention to the Cost of Living Crisis affecting tertiary students, where you can both contribute by messaging the page and find the testimonies that expose the realities of dealing with Landlords, Rising rent Centrelink as a student in an unregulated housing market.

With love, Daniel and Rose xx

This is reflected by the spiritual beliefs of Generation Z. While only 48% of Australia’s teens in 2017 identified with a religion, 67% believed in God or a higher being (Australia’s Generation Z Study). This indicates the need for a spiritual revival in contemporary Australia, stemming from a relationship with God.

God is patiently waiting for you to invite him into your life. All you have to do is let him in.