4 minute read

Monsignor Lopez Celebrates 50 YEARS OF

From 1981 through 2014, Monsignor Richard Lopez brought everyone at St. Pius X closer to God. As a classroom teacher, Monsignor inspired his students to reflect on their faith and to consider their actions in terms of ethical conduct. As a frequent homilist, he entertained and instructed by leading the student body in song or by offering a dollar bill for a correct answer to a theological question. As a family priest, Monsignor was in great demand as he officiated countless baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The love and respect his legions of students felt for him was reflected by the rows and rows of photographs they offered him, and which he lovingly displayed in his classroom.

Monsignor’s pastoral care extended to everyone in the community. As fast as life came at his friends and acquaintances, Monsignor was just as quick to come to their aid with kind words of counsel. His letters of support came at the most lonely and opportune times, as did his invitations for a pizza dinner or a quick chat in the hallway.

On April 28, Monsignor Lopez celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination. St. Pius X Director of Alumni Relations, Kristin Dooley ’01, invited the Pius community to send congratulatory messages to Monsignor Lopez, and she received well over 200 beautiful messages, which will be compiled into a book as a gift for Monsignor Lopez. We wanted to share some of our favorite excerpts from these heartfelt messages, which perfectly illustrate what makes Monsignor Lopez so special.

Would You Like to Contact

Monsignor Lopez?

If you missed the opportunity to send Monsignor Lopez a message, please contact Kristin Dooley at kdooley@spx.org.

Monsignor Lopez is now the Chaplain of Purification Heritage Center in Sharon, Georgia. Visit www.purificationheritagecenter. org for more details, including the Mass and retreat schedule.

“Your class was always a welcome occurrence because simply being near you would brighten an otherwise dreary day.”

“Just being around you makes me feel like a better person. There is nobody out there quite like you. Just the mention of your name brightens the faces of everyone in the room.”

“You didn’t just tell us as high schoolers how to live like Jesus, but you showed us by your example every day in the way you guided us as young adults. You treated each of us with love and respect, and for young adults navigating life, that means more than you’ll ever know.”

“There are those various ‘angels’ walking among us where you can just feel God’s love shining through them. Monsignor Lopez is one of those! In the halls of St. Pius, we could always feel his smile and warmth each day; it made it just a little bit easier to do the hard work!”

“He treated every student the same, and it was with genuine love. He looked into everybody’s eyes when he spoke to them, and for the brief time, he made you feel loved, because he truly was interested in what you had to say at that moment.”

“Stories of your youth were key to helping us all understand that the most confusing years of adolescence were not the 'end all' that we had believed them to be in our fog of youth. No telling how many times a borrowed tie from your classroom saved me from the watchful eyes of Mr. Grodd and his demerits.”

“I always felt special because at the end of class, you would bless us before we left your room before we would have to face the emotional and spiritual highs and lows of being a teenager.”

“You’re the only person that ever made me feel loved for being 10 minutes late.”

“Your impact on our lives cannot be overstated. It is a true blessing to get a glimpse of what it must have been like for the apostles to know Jesus!”

“Father Lopez, I often worry that you have no idea how important you are to me. Because of your influence, I like to think I am a better father and husband. While I am FAR from perfect, the example you provided is used in my everyday life. Please continue to pray for me, and I will for you!”

“If it wasn't for Fr. Lopez, I don't know if I would be as spiritual as I am. He taught me that it is okay to question and search for answers. He let me be me in all aspects of my life, and I can't say enough great things about him. Fr. Lopez, thank you for being you and letting me be me.”

“Msgr. Lopez means so much to me and my family. He has so many awesome qualities that radiate a ‘superpower.’ After meeting him, you want to be a better person. It’s that simple. He is a guiding light to everything that is great in this world.”

“Thank you for being a ‘bridge over troubled water’ for my family and so many others for the past 50 years! Thank you for answering God’s call to serve His people. Thank you for being the closest thing to God’s love most of us will experience here on this earth.”

“We all aspire to be more like you, treat others the way you do, pray for others the way you do, and make others laugh the way you do. We are so thankful to have you in our lives.”

Monsignor Lopez’s “Driving Prayer”

“Jesu cum Maria sit nobis in via”

May Jesus with Mary be with us on the way.

As the teacher of new drivers, Monsignor Lopez distributed prayer cards to his students with the “Driving Prayer.” Dozens of alumni mentioned learning the driving prayer in their messages to Monsignor Lopez. Many shared that they still recite this prayer when they get into the car and have taught their children this prayer.