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Old Traditions New Traditions

Teacher Jam 2023: The Return of a Favorite Tradition

Since the pandemic, St. Pius X has seen the return of many traditions. This year marked the long-awaited return of a student favorite: Teacher Jam, an event where a band consisting of faculty and staff performs for students in Maloof Plaza during lunch periods. Even though Mother Nature forced the concert indoors this year, Teacher Jam 2023 was a hit. Students visited the Young Center Auditorium during their lunch period to hear faculty and staff perform a set list of classics by Neil Diamond, Allman Brothers, Michael Jackson, Journey, and more. The band, which included Mike Abreu, Mary O’Brien Beyer ’82, Lizzie Bond, Trey Broussard ’01, Spencer Brown, Howell Buot ’15, José Carmona-Almonte, Scott Carter, Ian LaBreck, Matt Lammers, Rebecca Rose ’96, and Dennis Ruggiero, had students on their feet and singing along. Thank you, talented faculty and staff, for bringing back this much-loved event!

Second Annual Faculty vs. Seniors Basketball Game

On Friday, March 31, the school day ended with a favorite event: the Faculty vs. Seniors Basketball Game. After a loss to the seniors in 2022, this year the faculty was in it to win it. After being ahead through the entire game, the seniors caught up and took the game 25-23 in the final seconds. Maybe the third time will be the charm for the faculty in 2024!