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Graduation 2023

Congratulations to the Class of 2023, the 65th graduating class of St. Pius X! The class enjoyed several special events leading up to graduation day. On April 28, the Honors Assembly recognized students of all grades for their hard work in the academic arena. On May 11, the class of 264 gathered for the Baccalaureate Mass at the Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church in Norcross.

At the graduation ceremony on May 13, President Aaron Parr welcomed the class and their families. Omeno Abutu '23, Chloe Burgoon '23, Vincent Casal '24, Brian Knuth '23, Parker Scott '23, and Lauren Smith '24 sang God Bless America. Principal Edye Simpson introduced Salutatorian Grace Tran, saying, “Grace has made a name for herself within the fine arts at St. Pius X. Grace is well-known among faculty as a quiet, thoughtful, and hardworking student who is a pleasure to have in the classroom. Grace is a young woman who has seized every opportunity to use the gifts God has given her to make her world better than she found it.”

Grace, who was on the Principal’s List and President’s List every semester of her St. Pius X career, was selected to attend the 2022 Governor’s Honors Program for Visual Arts, and her work has been featured in the St. Pius X Juried Arts Exhibitions, the GHSA Art Show, the Dogwood Festival, the Atlanta High School Art Competition, and the Georgia High School Arts Symposium. She served as president of the Arts Association and secretary for the Mu Alpha Theta Math Club. She was a Lion Leader, and participated as a member of the Green Club and the Health and Sciences Club. Grace is also an altar server at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. She is a member of the National Honor Society and was the recipient of the University of Virginia’s Jefferson Book Award for academic excellence.

In her speech, Grace congratulated the Class of 2023 on their


Catie Schwartz


Grace Tran


Amelia Maloof

Liam Whitlark


Omeno Abutu


Miles Johnson

Kathleen O’Shea


Omeno Abutu

Joseph Connell

“Where I didn’t fail in academics, I most likely failed in other parts of my life. But it was in my failures that I discovered an interesting philosophy. It is impossible to be perfect, and knowing that is a good thing. Because if we were perfect, we wouldn’t be able to grow, change, or improve.” personal accomplishments and talents. She said, “No one person thinks the same way as any other, and a different type of genius inhabits each of us. I may be a good artist, but I will never be a great musician like Omeno Abutu or Miles Johnson. Omeno and Miles may be amazing musicians, but they will never be great athletes like Jack Tcheinchou or Julia Herring. Those two may be great athletes, but they will never be dancers quite like Hanah Odeh or Bailey Apgar. And so on. We cannot continuously measure ourselves by someone else’s accomplishments.”

Director of Alumni Relations, Kristin Vari Dooley ’01, awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award to Michael Trujillo ’01, who has dedicated his career to Catholic charities. In her introduction, she said, “His entire career has been centered around showing people that we are all interconnected and part of God’s family. Despite one’s political views, economic status, or race, we should all love and help each other.”

Michael, who has been the host of the St. Pius X Trivia Night for 15 years, delivered a humorous and uplifting speech that had a central theme of kindness. In one of many moments of audience participation, Michael asked the Class of 2023 and the faculty to check under their seats for an envelope. The six envelope-finders

Class Of 2023 Fast Facts

Graduates: 264

College Applications: 1,845

States Receiving Applications: 39

Number of States to Which Students are Headed: 28

Out-of-State Schools: 56%

In-State Schools: 44%

Total Scholarship Dollars Earned: $19,585,492

(Not Including Hope Scholarship)

University Furthest Away: University of Oregon were called to the stage to open their envelopes, which contained the lyrics to “This Little Light of Mine.” The audience was asked to join the six winners in singing the song. (Learn more about Michael, his career, and his graduation speech in his Alumni Highlight on page 8).

Following the Distinguished Alumni Award, Valedictorian Catherine “Catie” Schwartz spoke to the class. Catie maintained a remarkable 102.27 GPA while completing 11 advanced placement and eight honors classes during her career at St. Pius X. Catie served the St. Pius X Mu Alpha Theta Math Tutoring Program as both a tutor and as president. She was president of the Math Club, co-president of the Health and Sciences Club, a member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society, and participated in the Winship Summer Scholars Research Program. Catie was also a four-year member of the St. Pius X Varsity Swim and Dive Team, and has been a swim instructor for young students for three years. Principal Simpson said, “Catie embodies those qualities that we hope will be evident in all of our graduates: curiosity for life-long learning, a love for service and motivation to improve the world.”

“It is so important to slow down and to focus on enjoying the process. Making an effort to notice our differences. Embracing them. Stop ignoring them. Yes, look for new and exciting opportunities, but don’t miss what’s right in front of you.”


In her speech, Catie compared the journey of high school to her family’s yearly corn maze tradition, saying, “As you walk along, any number of ways offers a meaningful journey. In the way that my family always ended up taking different turns and finishing at different times, each of us has pioneered our own path during our time at St. Pius. We have all made it through the maze.”

Bishop Konzen then presented the annual Archbishop’s Award, which is the only award given using student input. Each senior chooses one male and one female student whom they feel best exemplifies living the Catholic faith both in and out of school, and then a committee composed of members of the Theology Department and Campus Ministry reviews the nominations and finalizes the awards. This year’s Archbishop’s Award recipients are Omeno Abutu and Joseph “Joey” Connell.

Before the graduates were awarded their diplomas, President Parr spoke to the seniors, saying “When I think back on your class, it’s been a really unique four years. COVID cut your freshman year short in 2020. 2021 was quite possibly the hardest year in the history of education. And last year in 2022, we were in a period trying to get back to our identity. But 2023 was the St. Pius X I know and love, and that credit goes to you, your leadership, and your resiliency. For me, your legacy will be that you brought back the special St. Pius community spirit that is unlike any other school in the state. We’re going to take that momentum you created and keep it going.”

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that we bid a fond farewell to the Class of 2023. We know they will leave their marks on the world, just as they have left us with an enduring legacy of excellence. We pray that God always guides their way, and we wish each of them a lifetime of happiness and success.