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St. Philip’s is proud to operate as an accredited private Christian-school under the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) for the fourth decade. Being a member of this esteemed group allows St. Philip’s to continue to align itself with the highest standard of educational excellence in the region. As members of ISAS, we undergo a rigorous peer-review and reaccreditation process every ten years. This culminates with our hosting a visiting committee to evaluate how St. Philip’s is living up to its mission and vision, as well as how we’ve implemented the recommendations from the last accreditation. We are also charged with providing a thorough and comprehensive organizational Self Study allowing St. Philip’s to reflect on and assess its culture and programming, and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

In March, a committee of eleven experts comprised of representatives from other member schools, spent four days at St. Philip’s to observe and assess our school’s curriculum, leadership, procedures, organizational structure, and more, citing commendations and recommendations, and ultimately determining if we qualified for a fourth re-accreditation.

After reviewing the Self Study and through interactions with our Board of Trustees, Headmaster, staff, faculty, students, parents, and alumni, the visiting committee members were assured that St. Philip’s

School and Community Center is delivering on its promise and has recommended that we receive reaccreditation for the fourth consecutive time! Among the many commendations received, evidence of an inspiring SPIRIT OF JOY stood out most. From the smiling faces, warm greetings, and laughter throughout the halls, it was evident that joy is embedded in the teaching, learning, and culture of St. Philip’s.

Many thanks to Tina Stansbury and the Friends of St. Philip’s for their tremendous support of this effort and to Margertree Holmes, Chief Community Advancement Officer, who led the ISAS SelfStudy Committee with the following St. Philip’s trustees, faculty, and staff members:

Alicia Holmes

Anyika McMillan-Herod Chapel Committee

David Cowling

Jackie Andrews

Jorge Perez

Kellee Murrell

Neal Choate

Paula Mitchell

Ramona Bailey

Regina Walton

Parent Testimonials: WHY WE CHOOSE ST. PHILIPS!

Here, you are walking into love day in and day out.

Telissha Wesson

Terry Flowers

Tia Stevens

I will trust my child's brain to no other school.

We need community and Christ for our children and for ourselves; we have BOTH here.

A call never goes unreturned; a question never goes unanswered. This is a little Utopia.

I want my children to be heard and to be comfortable with who they are; both of these are happening at St. Philip's.

St. Philip's is good soil and good souls.

You know that God is here and that He is working through everyone for the benefit of my children.