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Meet former Saint, Kingstin Mcadams, a rising star in the world of football and a shining example of academic excellence. This exceptional young athlete has not only demonstrated his prowess on the football field but has also excelled academically, showcasing his commitment to both sports and education.

Kingstin began playing football as a St. Philip’s Saint at just five years old. His father, Carl Mcadams, recalls his tenacity and need-for-speed as his coach during those formative years. Carl believes that it was here, at St. Philip’s, that Kingstin discovered his love for the game. They credit Coach Fletcher, Coach Goree and Coach Green with setting the foundation for Kingstin’s excellence.

During his time at St. Philip’s, Kingstin was introduced to legendary athletes like Hall of Famer Mean Joe Greene, LaDamian Thompson, Keith Davis, Rolando Blackmon and Alex Rodriguez. These men provided inspiration and fostered confidence in Kingstin, encouraging him to go all-in for what he loved.

Kingstin has established himself as a formidable presence on the football field. His natural athleticism, and unwavering passion for the sport have propelled him to achieve remarkable feats. This past school year he attended Kennemer Middle School in Duncanville where he played both running back and safety positions. He had 1,500 all-purpose yards and scored 18 touchdowns in just six games! But Kingstin's success on the football field is not solely due to his physical abilities. His discipline, work ethic, and determination have played a significant role in shaping him into the athlete he is today.

While excelling in sports, Kingstin also maintains an impressive academic record. He’s maintained status as an honors student earning A’s and B’s. Despite the demands of his football commitments, he consistently prioritizes his studies and strives for excellence in the classroom. He has achieved academic success that mirrors his accomplishments on the field. When asked why he works so hard off the field, Kingstin said “No pass, no play. I don’t want my grades to prevent my opportunity to achieve on the field.”

As he continues to excel in football and academics, his future is brimming with promise. Kingstin has earned the titles of Under Armour All American, FBU All Star and District Champion. His exceptional athletic abilities and academic achievements have captured the attention of college scouts and prestigious academic institutions. Colleges such as Baylor, SMU, TCU and Texas Tech have all expressed interest in the 15-year-old prodigy. As he continues to reach new heights on the football field and in his academic pursuits, Kingstin serves as an inspiration to fellow athletes and students, proving that with passion, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, one can achieve remarkable success in all areas of life.