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Please note these are the proposed courses for 2020. With the current COVID-19 situation this could also change. Once we are confirmed to go ahead registrations will be open via PNZ.

Student night 28th of September 2020


SEPNZ is excited to announce the launch of our Inaugural Student night. This event is an informal get together for undergraduate Physiotherapy students across the country who are interested in the field of Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy. We have a fantastic line up of speakers who can share experiences and stories to help broaden the understanding of what a career in Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy might look like. More info and venues below

Otago: https://pnz.org.nz/Event?Action=View&Event_id=2976

AUT: https://pnz.org.nz/Event?Action=View&Event_id=2975 Zoom: https://pnz.org.nz/Event?Action=View&Event_id=2977

The Lower Limb in Sport

Day 1 & 2 Via Zoom September 28th 2020 & October 3rd 2020 Day 3 at the Christchurch Apollo Centre October 4th 2020 Presenters: Dr Peter McNair Professor of Physiotherapy Geoff Potts Sports Physiotherapist, Clinical Educator & DHSc Student Justin Lopes Sports Physiotherapist This course is for registered physiotherapists who work with individual athletes or teams in which lower limb injury is common. The focus of the course is on pathomechanics and kinetic chain deficits as they relate to injury prevention and performance, diagnosis and advanced rehabilitation of lower limb conditions. By the end of the course you will understand the pathoaetiology of common lower limb injuries, be able to perform key clinical and functional tests, rehabilitate lower limb injury in a number of sporting contexts including football, running and contact sports, and develop individualised return-to-sport programmes. Register here: https://pnz.org.nz/Event?Action=View&Event_id=2978

Injury Prevention and performance enhancement

Auckland November/December Date TBC

This course will provide you with the key skills used in the enhancement of sporting performance and prevention of injury. It covers the analysis of physical, biomechanical and technical needs of sport, identifying key factors affecting performance and injury prevention. You will learn how to assess athletes and implement an individualised programme designed to optimise movement efficiency, performance and minimise injury risk. You will learn how to develop a sport–‐specific screening assessment, how to monitor injury rates and target injury prevention strategies within different sporting contexts. Registrations will be open soon via www.pnz.co.nz Dates are subject to change. Limited spots available