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brought balance to the force: Mr. Dave Filoni and Mr. Jon Favreau. Since its inception, The Mandalorian has garnered both critical acclaim and drawn a huge following over to Disney Plus. The task of trying to discern the show’s best moments is a difficult one of rancorous proportions. Below, I have managed to put forward the top ten moments, of which I’m sure most fans would agree. Warning: there are massive spoilers ahead, and so if you have not watched the show, then read no further until you have done so. I have spoken.


The introduction of Baby Yoda to The Mandalorian was a masterstroke, aligning both old and new fans, and producing a steady stream of merchandising along with countless memes. By pairing up the two characters, The Mandalorian changes the plot from a typical Sergio Leone-style spaghetti western, where a bounty hunter takes on various jobs, and transforms the show into a lone wolf and cub story. From the moment the child is revealed, the show erupts into cuteness overload, and Mando is forced to exterminate IG-11 to protect Baby Yoda. From this point on, the audience is caught in the show’s tractor beam, and we see Mando progress as he takes his first gigantic step along the Hero’s Journey.

Writers of The Mandalorian felt a tremor in the force and corrected a decades long error, Boba Fett’s mediocre demise in the Sarlacc pit at the hands of Han Solo and his misplaced swipe. The character is finally redeemed in Season 2 when we see an unrestrained Boba Fett quickly dispatch a whole squad of fleeing stormtroopers and their ships while wearing his newly gained beskar armor. The entire scene is badass with many Fett fans delighted by this sequence of events. This was topped by his promise to honor his deal with Din Djarin and become a powerful ally in the mission to save Grogu.


Season 2, Chapter 9

“The Marshal”

This would make a trifecta for Timothy Olyphant playing either a sheriff or a marshal in shows such as Deadwood and Justified. After walking into a cantina looking for a Mandalorian,

Mando and the Marshal have a tense standoff in one of the most mesmerising scenes of the series. Mando discovers the Marshal is wearing beskar armor. This isn’t just any old Mandalorian armor but an outfit belonging to a certain Boba Fett. After a few terse words, the man removes his helmet only to reveal it’s indeed the extended universe icon Mr. Cobb Vanth underneath the famous Boba Fett armor. The entire episode is exemplary with key moments such as an homage to Easy Rider. Both of the renegade men straddle speeder bikes as they head off into destiny for a tense showdown with a Krayt dragon.


Season 1, Chapter 2

“The Child”

Most Star Wars fans were already anticipating what Baby Yoda could do, especially since he’s from the same species as Jedi Master Yoda. Nonetheless, it is a thrilling moment. After several clumsy attempts to subdue the mudhorn, Mando is rescued at the last minute from a ferocious charge by the creature. Helplessly looking on in astonishment, Grogu uses the force to levitate the creature and pacify it enough for Mando to survive the encounter. The scene is very reminiscent of Yoda’s power in The Empire Strikes Back, lifting Luke’s X-wing effortlessly out of the Dagobah swamp. The uninitiated Jedi can only stare in awe.



Season 1, Chapter 3

“The Sin”

Most heroes aren’t born into it, but rather its the decisions they make along the way that make them the people we admire the most. This crucial moment is presented when Mando or Din Djarin is forced into a difficult decision. Either he simply hands Grogu over to Imperialist forces, (led by a very creepy Werner Hertzog) collects the bounty and goes on his merry way continuing the fulfil his role of the bounty hunter with very few complications, or he answers a higher calling, with greater and enduring consequences. Mando


Season 3, Chapter 18

“The Return”

It was very difficult to top the Season 2 Finale, and the majority would agree that Season 3’s quality is not as consistent as its previous iterations. In saying that, however, the show’s finale was a solid return to form. Heavily action packed, and with the always excellent Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon back in the Dark trooper armor. The Series finale had everything a SW fan could ask for and more, with dramatic scenes, climatic showdowns and Din Djarin finally adopting Grogu. Or should I say Din Grogu, as the two live out their best years on the porch in between missions.


Season 2, Chapter 15

“The Believer”

Bill Burr really stepped up to the plate as Mayfeld. One of the best scenes in the whole show is the tense mission to infiltrate the Imperial base and find Moff Gideon’s whereabouts. One of the best scenes in the episode sees a complete character arc for Mayfeld where we learn more about the cost working for the Empire has on a person’s soul. Mayfeld and Officer Hess briefly recount a moment of genocide as part of Palpatine’s contingency plan. The aftermath of

Operation Cinder led to thousands of Imperial soldiers sacrificed along with thousands of innocent civilians. Each contrasting reaction to this event showed the measure of each man. Mayfeld fled the Empire soon after. In the scene, Hess drinks to their demise for the glory of the Empire. Later, he is executed by Mayfeld and further conflict ensues. A truly memorable moment in the greater Mandalorian universe and a terrific turn by Bill Burr.


Season 2 Chapter 13

“The Jedi”

I was hard pressed not to place this moment at number 1 on the list. IMHO, “The Jedi” is the best episode of the entire series, drawing from a deep well of inspiration that includes Sergio Leone, John Ford and especially, Akira Kurosawa. The style of Kurosawa is all over this episode in rich flourishes of character, plot and overall design. The episode also includes a wonderful live action debut of The Clone Wars favorite Ahsoka Tano, played effortlessly by the talented Rosario Dawson. The opening scene is electrifying: twin neon white lightsaber blades take down a host of guards before suddenly disappearing in the mist. Ahsoka dismantles them quickly before confronting a ruthless magistrate, providing an ultimatum to release her prisoners or face the wrath of the exiled Jedi. Tano is truly great here and is the space opera equivalent of a wandering Ronin, forever righting wrongs in the pursuit of justice. The whole episode is mesmerising with the added cameo of Michael Biehn. The final confrontation is a hybrid of some of the best western and Samurai scenes. Fans are left in awe of the Jedi and wanting even more, which we’ll come to next. was sealed until the long awaited arrival of the Jedi Mando had been seeking erupted on the scene. The much maligned Last Jedi version of Luke Skywalker was nowhere to be seen. Instead, we witnessed the Luke we remember at the end of Return of the Jedi. A powerful Jedi master, he swiftly dispatched the dark troopers like they were paper, much to the horror of Moff Gideon who, until this moment, had only heard mythical tales about the Jedi. The lightsaber style and sequence of events is a subversive nod to the scene in Revenge of the Sith where Anakin dispatches Nute Gunray and his associates. The hero’s braced themselves against the door but once Luke raised his hood and R2D2 emitted some friendly beeps, all breathed a sigh of relief. It is a glorious moment that gave fans an emotional reunion with a beloved character, and it was the one they had been wishing for. Luke’s legacy and reputation were renewed and balance was brought back to the fan force. of the Jedi where Darth Vader removes his mask in his dying moment to see his son Luke. This provides the context for a heartbreaking parting of ways as Din Djarin sees Grogu finally united with a Jedi who can train him. Mando completes his mission and their journey together (or so we thought). The rising musical score, the friendly beeps of R2D2 and “I’ll see you again. I promise” heighten the moment just before Mando takes off his mask and looks on his beloved Grogu with his own eyes. The sentiment is reciprocated with Grogu stroking his surrogate father’s face with a tender touch. The scene is definitely an emotional peak to the show and has reduced an entire legion of fans to tears (Kevin Smith, we’re looking at you). The audience witnessed the natural farewell of these pivotal characters. It’s a touching, beautiful scene and a cathartic end to the season. it will be a difficult one to top in the seasons to follow.


“The Rescue”

We were all secretly hoping for this event. From the moment they reported an X-wing flying in, we knew the moment we had all been waiting for had arrived. Trapped by an entire squad of dark troopers, Grogu’s rescue thought their fate


Season 2 Chapter 16 “The Rescue”

“Just once, let me look on you with my own eyes.” Fans were given an echo of a different scene from Return

Moff Gideon and the Darksaber

Ahsoka Tano practices the force with Grogu.

Din Djairn’s “Moff Gideon, You have something I want,” speech.