1 minute read


I spoke at a large fundraiser of around 300 people in Wanaka. Early in the talk, I asked the audience to close their eyes, tune into their body, and put a number between one and 100 on how well they felt. With 100 - feeling full of vibrant energy and no limiting health issues. I then asked people to raise their hands if they came up with a number between 90 and 100. I was more than a little shocked to find that only one other person in the audience and myself were in that band. I carried on in bands of ten and stopped at 50, by which time only about half of the audience had put their hands up.

At 76, I would still rate myself about a 90, but I don't regard anything I do to keep feeling this way as difficult or hard work. Yes, I eat a reasonable quality low-carb diet, but I'm not rigid about what I eat, and I'm not super fit, but I do pay attention to detoxing my mind.


So this month, I have a question for you - What number out of one to 100 would you rate your health, and what is the one question I could answer for you that you feel would move the needle on your health and the way you feel? Send

David Musgrave is the founder and owner of the successful Waihi Bush Organic Farm brand. As a research scientist with 48 years’ experience, David has spent the last 30 years studying food, nutrition and in particular women’s health. He is still an organic farmer and is passionate about creating products that support wellness.

DISCLAIMER All advice given is from David’s 48 years of experience as a scientist, author, and owner of a successful health food business selling Omega 3 rich products. It should be used to supplement rather than replace the advice of your doctor or another trained health professional. If you suspect you have a health problem you should consult a health professional before embarking on any dietary changes. We disclaim liability for any medical outcomes that may occur as a result of applying methods suggested.