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We have valued the impact that the Young Driver event has had on our pupils since its first inception. The opportunity for the pupils to hear from individuals or families that have been affected by a driver making poor decisions is invaluable, although hardhitting and extremely emotional at times.

They have the opportunity to ask questions and learn hints and tips on how to drive in an enjoyable but safe way. I was 16 years old and know only too well how my spinal injury has changed my life, at the fault of another driver. We look forward to attending again next year to support this impactful event.

I was asked to talk at this event quite a number of years ago and I’ve done so every year since. It’s an honour to be asked and something that is of course very close to my heart as I was injured in a car accident in March 1999 and damaged my spinal cord at level T6/7. I’ve been wheelchair dependent ever since.. It’s a great opportunity for Spinal Injuries Scotland to join Fire & Rescue, Scottish Ambulance Service and Police Scotland to name a few. There is an important message of safe driving, how to do this and the possible consequences of unsafe driving. There are also a number of interactive scenarios for the students to try, including a seatbelt simulator that shows what travelling at 8mph can feel like. This one always surprises the students and demonstrates that it doesn’t always have to involve excessive speed to potentially be injured on the road.

We have valued the impact that the Young Driver event has had on our pupils since its first inception. The opportunity for the pupils to hear from individuals or families that have been affected by a driver making poor decisions is invaluable, although hard-hitting and extremely emotional at times. The realisation that taking the responsibility of driving a car on the road too lightly can have repercussions beyond themselves is vital to ensuring the safety of not just our young people but all people when our pupils start to drive. The opportunity to speak with a cross-section of professionals involved at all levels of keeping our roads safe for all users enables them to see the bigger picture and to make sensible, informed and safe decisions about driving and moving around the city, and beyond, on other forms of transport too. The Young Drivers event is an excellent resource that our pupils remember and discuss long after they have attended, which is why we continue to support it.

By Laura Torrance (Peer Support Co-Ordinator)