2 minute read

Blue Zoo Recovery



This article is about how Blue Zoo exists and the sharks that broke out of the aquarium.

We decided to write this article because it gives us information about ocean life in an aquarium.

About Blue Zoo

According to the Blue Zoo website, the founder (Wes Haws) was hit in the head, went to the hospital, and fell in love with the aquarium.

Wes, the owner of the Blue Zoo, was in Ethiopia as part of a global project to build houses. Wes was walking along, and all of a sudden a villager came up behind him and hit him in the head with an ax! As he recovered, Wes was engaged by an aquarium in his room. He said it brought him comfort. Blue Zoo has lots of animals like: sharks, clownfish, seahorses, jellyfish, octopus, stingrays, starfish, birds, and lizards.

Favorite Ocean Animal Poll

There’s a lot of horseshoe crabs, stingrays, piranhas, axolotls, and sharks at the aquarium. A lot of people (Level Up students and mentors) like sea animals, and a lot of people at my school like dolphins. Not as many people at my school like sea turtles and sharks.

Blue Zoo Visit

On November 19, 2022, we visited the Blue Zoo Aquarium in the Northtown Mall.

Blue Zoo Staff John (MC/Pirate) gave us a lot of information about how the sharks broke out of the aquarium.

According to John, the MC of the shark feeding, “about one year ago, there was a build up of gas in one of [the] filtration systems, which caused the glass to shatter. We were able to save most of the sharks, but obviously since it happened in the middle of the night when no one was [at the aquarium] some of them perished.”

"Rose," turtle, Justice

Photo credit: Spark Central Staff

• • • FUN FACTS • • •


• The scales of sharks are strong and protect themselves. If they get bit, it won’t hurt.

• Blacktip Reef Sharks are from high coral reef areas.

• Sharks grow thousands of teeth in a lifetime.