1 minute read

Chair’s welcome

Welcome to the 2023 SPA National Conference! As many may already know, it’s our tenth year running this event, and we’re thrilled to be hosting the highest number of delegates in SPANC history this year!

Our headcount isn’t the only unique thing about this year’s conference. It’s our first year in Scotland, and the furthest north we’ve taken this roadshow since it began. Among other benefits this will allow delegates who have never been able to attend SPANC in years past to come and learn from our storied speakers and potentially see their work honoured at our national awards ceremony.


We can’t wait to meet some of these new faces, and we’d highly encourage anyone who wants to help guide student media in the coming year to run to be part of our executive committee (or for a Trustee position) at our Annual General Meeting.

Promoting inclusivity and proactive support in our industry is at the forefront of what our organisation stands for, and that vision can only be realised with the guidance of talented student journalists such as yourself.

Whether you’re joining us at Friday night’s social, enjoying our speaker talks and panels across the weekend, or living it up at our awards dinner, we hope you have a wonderful time at #SPANC23.

Thank you,

Marino Unger-Verna Chair