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Morning MOJO

Built-in coffee bars are taking over small sections of St. Louis kitchens, dressing areas and outdoor oases.


I adore breakfast and coffee bars in bedrooms. We have been including them in our designs for years. How wonderful to be able to wake up to your coffee brewing, or to get up in the middle of the night for a quick snack. The increase in popularity is due, in part, to clients traveling. You find breakfast bars in luxury hotel rooms and Air BnBs. I love having my cup of tea with me to sip on while I am getting ready. CJ Knapp, Yours by Design.

As homeowners embrace more and more personal perks and sleeping chambers continue to grow in size, think the coffee bars are here to stay. See more and more moving out of the kitchen to main and guest suites. It’s a great way for the early risers to start their day, without disturbing the entire house. Robert Idol, Idol Design.

For something that has been around for centuries such as coffee, a built-in coffee bar is a classic! Best located toward the end of your kitchen and out of the main prep area, a coffee bar can serve you and your guests without crossing paths with the cook. When designing for this space, we recommend a cabinet that sits directly on the countertop and has pocket doors for easy access and cleanability. Christopher Amburn, Chelsea Design Company.

I think most people can agree that the long wait lines at the local coffee shops can be a big deterrent to your morning rush. How wonderful it is to be able to create the perfect morning joe for everyone in the family at home! There are so many wonderful built-in options available as well as countertop options that are perfect for a designated area. I do believe this will be an ongoing trend that will become a classic in no time. Amena Zamora, Amena Zamora Designs.

The love for coffee isn’t going anywhere. Coffee bars utilize an everyday activity that is meant for the kitchen. They create a space where you can start a task and finish it without interrupting the main kitchen prep and cooking areas. These dedicated spots also allow your guest to easily serve themselves without feeling that they are in the way. Coffee bars are not limited to just the kitchen as they are appearing in dining rooms and living rooms! When designing these spaces don't forget the necessities: a quality coffee maker, mugs, area for plates and likely fresh flowers! Savannah

Sells, Youtopia Designs


The built-in coffee bar is a craze in kitchen renovations, which will hopefully stay and evolve into a classic. It is a nice addition to traditional cabinetry or plain open shelving. The purposeful design allows for display of coffee and tea sets that are usually hidden away in close proximity to the prep area. Wendy Noory, Chromatix Hue. netry.

An in-house coffee bar is a personal luxury and is becoming a staple in new and existing homes. In-house coffee bars can run the gamut of style; they can be a simple set-up with a corner table, or they can be a sophisticated set-up that is high-tech and plumed-in for the quickest and easiest cup of coffee. For added convenience, in-house coffee bars can be added to just about any area of the home that coffee is enjoyed in, such as a counter near the dressing area, a home office or den or a back porch. In-house coffee bars are a simple luxury that will remain a must-have item for the true coffee connoisseur.

Barbara Collins, Barbara Collins Interior Design