2 minute read

Inspirational Israeli


Sivan Ya’ari is the founder and CEO of Innovation: Africa, a nonprofit that brings Israeli solar, agricultural, and water technologies to African villages. She was born in Israel, raised in France, and educated in the United States, earning a degree in finance from Pace University and a master’s in international energy management and policy from Columbia University.


Sivan has worked in Africa for over 20 years,

and over the past decade, using Israeli technologies, has brought clean water and light to over 3 million people across 10 African countries. She and her organization, Innovation: Africa, have received multiple awards, including the Intercultural Innovation Award from the United Nations. She has been recognized as one of the most Inspiring Israelis this decade by From the Grapevine, one of 50 Most Influential Women in Israel by Forbes, one of the Top 10 Most Influential Israelis in International Business, Science, and Culture by NoCamels, and one of the Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life by Algemeiner Journal. Sivan lives in Tel Aviv with her husband and three children.


What is your favorite part of the day? Before sunrise.

If you could meet with any famous figure, living or dead, who would it be? Golda Meir

What has been the most challenging time in your life? Growing up in Israel, in what was then considered a poor family.

What is one of your proudest moments? Each time I am able to open the taps of clean water in a village that previously did not have it.

What is your favorite Israeli dish? Shakshuka

What is your favorite location within Israel? Kibbutz Kalia Who is an inspiration for you? My team of over 100 managers and engineers who work tirelessly to achieve our mission to bring light and clean water to communities across Africa. It is not an easy task, but one that my team takes great pride in, and I am truly grateful for their commitment to our work.

What advice would you give a young person who wants to change the world? Do it village by village. Don’t start with a big vision.

What is your biggest fear? Losing my kids.

If you could change one thing about Israel what would it be? Increase the tolerance for each other across the country.