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54 outreach events last year with 32 school visits. Engaged with 773 students in the 21-22 year.

193 hours spent delivering outreach events.

56 Somerville student ambassadors engaging with outreach events this academic year.

48% of the students we've interacted with this year have 1 or more marker of disadvantage*

3726 visitors to Somerville over the June and September open days.

482 applications to Oxford in 2021 from students from our link regions and 474 applications in 2022. 89 of Oxford offer holders came from our link regions in 2021 and 85 in 2022.

29% of our 2021 study day attendees who applied to Oxford received offers. This is higher than the average success rate of 16.6%.

71% of students who've engaged with our outreach events went onto study at a Russell Group university in 2020-2021, compared to just 26% of UK school students nationally.

None of this would be possible without the generous support we receive, not only from academics and student ambassadors volunteering their time to participate in events, but also from many Somerville alumni and friends. We are hugely grateful.

Feedback from our recent Virtual Year 12 Study Days

*POLAR 1 or 2 home postcodes, IMD, EST or IDACIall indicators of socioeconomic disadvantage or low regional progression to higher education.