2 minute read


Broker/Owner of EXIT Landmark Realty Regional Owner of EXIT Realty Virginia


Service to my community and helping others has always been a driving force in my everyday activities. I am active in combating human trafficking and I am partnered with various organizations that work to stem the tide of human trafficking in both Mexico and the United States. Additionally, I have worked to support the homeless population in Charles county. From securing shelter with a local hotel during a winter storm, to raising tens of thousands of dollars and procuring clothing and meals for the homeless for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the past 5 years. We have partnered with various community organizations to ensure the “unseen population of Charles County” are not forgotten. Most importantly, the real estate business is intertwined with the local community, I believe in giving back and supporting our local community where our business can reside and thrive.


Harriet Tubman was an amazing and inspirational person not only because of her unwavering faith, but her perseverance and her willingness to risk so much to lead others to freedom…She truly inspires me. I am also very much inspired by those who are able to find the smallest sliver of light in the darkest of places.

I have also been impacted and inspired by trips to Mexico City to work with El Pozo de Vida (an anti-trafficking organization) and survivors of trafficking as well as those who have yet to be set free. I am inspired by the individuals and volunteers who left their comfortable lives, packed up, followed their hearts and relocated their families to serve others. By the girls and women who have been rescued and have overcome so much adversity to get to where there are now give me hope for a brighter future for them as well as those who are still waiting to be set free.


I earned a BS in Financial Services from Wright State University. As a military spouse and mother of three children, we moved often, and I held various positions in sales and sales management. After being relocated to Maryland I was finally able to start a career in real estate and earned my real estate license in 2006. With less than 2 years of experience, I opened my first brokerage EXIT Landmark Realty in White Plains.

I am the broker/owner of EXIT Landmark Realty with three offices and over 300 agents, with two in Maryland and one in Virginia. Additionally, I am the Regional Owner of EXIT Realty Virginia and currently serve as Vice President of the Southern Maryland Association of REALTORS.

I cannot forget my family and the agents of EXIT Landmark Realty, they inspire me through their various selfless acts like coat drives, toy drives for Christmas Connection, Lifestyles and the Judy House, Christmas day breakfast and gifts for those in Safe Nights, food collections, gifts for seniors, adopting families for the holidays, fundraisers and so much more. They remind me that together we are stronger and can have an even larger impact in our local community and in the lives of those around us.

It is a large group of individuals that I work, live and collaborate with that inspire me and together we encourage one another. I use their stories to help motivate and drive me to “do more” and I use my faith as my guidepost to always lead with love and compassion.