1 minute read


Self-monitoring capitalism punishment

You can’t control yourself


Here’s a smart tech T-shirt that will

Used to love a country walk until my phone grassed me up for trespassing, pay the fine

Your history has told me you have been watching a dirty film, that will stop you sharing your Netflix account

I see the neighbours are up to no good, report them

My smart meter lets the energy company know I haven’t paid so they cut me off

Feeling isolated, yes that’s the point, you need to pay for friendship

Wellbeing app: You need to buy the add on to make you smile

You phone’s location places you at the protest, 3 years for you

Your watch is telling us about that éclair you had a lunch time, fatty! We have automatically lowered your self esteem

Automate repetitive tasks – pay for this thing to put your kids to bed

We are in a cashless society, that’s because the multinationals have it all.

My smart textile trousers are telling me I need to go to hospital, shame there are no ambulances to take me there

The cost for you is high