1 minute read

Improve In-House Ventilation

If rooms in your home don't have enough ventilation, improve airflow within those areas by opening all doors and windows. Additionally, turn on all fans (ceiling and wall fans) to ward off smoke smells.

Utilize Vinegar


Vinegar's low pH alters high-pH smoke smells and reduces their associated odors. To uncover vinegar's smell reduction attributes, pour a distilled variation into several bowls and set them on several spots in the affected room.

Wash All Accessories

If a room reeks of smoke smell, ensure you gather all accessories curtains, linens, sofa covers, and pillow covers together and place them in the washing machine. To heighten your detergent's cleaning power, add baking soda (one cup). Once washed, "air dry" these accessories.

Wash All Accessories

Steam cleaning is effective for removing the smoky smell from your home. This cleaning routine works on smoky floors, walls, and upholstery. The heat from steam cleaners breaks down hardened oils and tar covering smoke molecules, letting you wipe associated stainsusing a sponge or microfiber cloth.

Replace the HVAC's Air Filters and Clean Associated Air Ducts

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