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The Do’s & Don’ts of Cleaning the Invisalign Braces

When choosing Invisalign as your orthodontic braces treatment, it's important to follow the proper steps to keep the new invisible braces in good condition. The journey towards straight teeth runs through a precise maintenance routine. It is vital to keep the invisalign braces clean throughout the treatment process. There are certain dos and don’ts for cleaning Invisalign braces to ensure they are germ-free every single day and sparkling.

In this article, Dr. Ravneet Kaur, a leading Invisalign specialist in Delhi, shares the dos and don’ts of cleaning Invisalign braces. Following these suggestions will ensure that the aligners stay clean and clear of bacteria and that one does not have to worry about accidentally damaging them. Continue reading to learn more.


Before proceeding, let’s understand what Invisalign is.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic aligners instead of traditional metal braces to straighten crooked teeth and help patients achieve a beautiful smile. With the help of a personalized treatment plan and aligners that are custom-made for each patient based on a digital impression of their teeth, the teeth are gradually moved into the correct position over time. Using Invisalign can help with bite problems such as underbites, crossbites, and overbites, as well as mild to moderate cases of misaligned teeth, gaps, and overcrowding.

One of the main advantages of Invisalign is that, unlike traditional braces with metal brackets, the clear plastic aligners are almost invisible. Additionally, the aligners can be taken out and cleaned, unlike traditional braces, which makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. One may take them out to eat, brush, or floss. The aligners are also more comfortable to wear than traditional braces. Do you wish to avail the benefits of Invisalign? Book a consultation with Dr. Ravneet Kaur, the best orthodontist in Delhi, at her dental clinic.

Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Cleaning the Invisalign Braces:


1. Take the Trays Out Everyday and Clean Both the Teeth and Trays Thoroughly

While sleeping, bacteria can build up on the trays. Start with a day off right with clean teeth as well as clean trays.

2. Rinse the Aligners When Removing Them

Always rinse the trays after removing the aligners from the mouth to avoid dry saliva and plaque buildup. Avoid creating an environment for the bacteria to grow. Use a clear antibacterial soap to keep the trays clean. A soft-bristled toothbrush can also aid in removing some of the plaque from the trays. It's crucial to properly take care of the Invisalign trays.

3. Soak the Aligners Everyday

The best way to make sure the Invisalign trays are as clean as possible is to soak them in a denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaning crystals.

4. Always Brush and Floss the Teeth Before Putting the Trays Back

If the trays are reinserted while there are still food particles stuck between the teeth, they will trap them. This could result in cavities and other dental concerns.

5. Do Not Leave the Tray Out in Open Air If Not Wearing Them

Exposing the trays to air would lead to build-up of bacteria, and there are also high chances of misplacing them. It is crucial to rinse, soak, and rinse them again before using them if one happens to leave them for a while.

6. If One is Traveling for a Long Period of Time, Make Sure the Next Set of Aligners are with them

If one knows that they are going to be away for a few weeks, plan ahead with the orthodontist so that the next set of aligners is there when one needs them. The Invisalign trays will start to turn yellow and emit a bad odor if they are not properly cared for, which may be very embarrassing. Take proper care of the trays to have a better experience during the treatment and to protect your oral health and other dental concerns.


1. Do Not Eat With the Invisalign Trays

One can drink water while wearing aligners, but they should avoid eating. If one attempts to frequently eat with the trays in, they may become damaged because they are not designed for chewing. Additionally, it is easier for food particles to become stuck between the teeth while one eats while wearing the trays. The trays may also become stained by the food. Before one sits down at the table, remember to remove the trays.

2. Do Not Use Toothpaste to Clean the Trays

While a toothbrush is best for the teeth, it can actually cause damage to the trays. Toothpaste will also cause a dull sheen to the trays, which will also make them more observable in the mouth. And the main advantage of choosing Invisalign was that people did not notice anything in the mouth. Toothpaste also has some abrasive ingredients. Therefore, it is not a suitable choice for cleaning the trays.

3. Do Not Use Soaps that are Scented or Coloured

Besides the risk of straining the trays, the scented soaps might give the trays an unpleasant taste while one puts them back in the mouth. This can certainly ruin one’s appetite.


Even though one only wears each set for a couple of weeks, it is essential to care for the aligners properly. If not done carefully, it can cause damage to the teeth in a short period of time. Be sure to see the orthodontist for regular cleanings during the Invisalign treatment. To get effective results from Invisalign treatment, the teeth and trays must be kept in good condition while the trays work their magic. It does not matter how straight the teeth are if they are not healthy. Follow the orthodontist's instructions on how to clean the Invisalign trays, and you will achieve the smile you desire.

To know more about invisalign or to avail the benefits of Invisalign in Delhi, consult Dr. Ravneet Kaur at her dental clinic today!

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