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FFinding a more qualified couple to take on a home build would be impressive. With fourteen remodels and new construction projects under his belt and five under hers, Brian and Michele Healey couldn’t resist the idea of building on the lot in Pismo Beach when they came across it. It was a great location, had stunning views, and though every lot has its challenges, they could see the potential for the home’s layout.

On his first construction project, Brian had a mentor and during the process he paid close attention and absorbed as much as he could. It wasn’t long before he was ready to do it all over again—and after successfully completing it on his own the rest is history. He continued to work on his personal projects alongside his career in the window and door industry. Brian started to visit the Central Coast when his Pella Window and Door territory expanded to include San Luis Obispo County and it didn’t take long for him to recognized that it was a special place. Like many, Cal Poly drew Michele to San Luis Obispo and after remodeling her own home in Shell Beach, she realized that she had an eye for it, but more importantly, she enjoyed the process. >>