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2- Prevent from Nudging the Ring's Stone Now and Then:

Most Gold wedding bands or engagement rings have precious stones studded on them. And these stones attract dust, dirt, and body oil faster. So, it is wiser to avoid touching the center stone every now and then. This way, your rings won't have grime accumulated on the edges, meaning no need for regular cleaning either.

3- Avoid Treating the Rings with Chemicals:


If you think you will come in contact with chemicals, then it is better to remove and keep the rings safely. Bleach or any other cleaning chemicals can react with the precious stone causing it to lose its sparkle and shine. Chemicals can also harm colored, precious stones to a greater extent.So, make sure that you keep the engagement ring away.

4- Keep the Ring Away From Unnecessary Damages:

Even though diamonds are the strongest natural matter available in the world. They can deteriorate over time when exposed to a hard surface.This is because the cut of the gemstone and the upper exposed portion of the gemstone are always vulnerable to external damage. So, make sure that you don't knock your wedding rings over any hard surface.

One can find infinite styles when it comes to purchasing diamond wedding rings or wedding rings. So, once you have the bling over your fingers, prevent yourself from comparing the ring with someone else's.

It is better to consider the rings as a mark of loyalty and affection and not a symbol of reputation.

Bottom Line

Your wedding and engagement ring lingers on your ring finger for years. So, there is no denying the fact that they ring will get dirty, or you may lose it if not taken care of properly.

However, by avoiding the warnings mentioned above, you can increase the shine and sparkle of your ring for a few extra years.

Article source: https://uberant.com/article/1156463-5things-that-you-must-never-do-to-your-wedding-ring/

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