4 minute read

Trustees’ Report

Our parent body, the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) is in for changes over the next two years. During that time two of our original bishops, the bishop for Western Canada, bishop Trevor Walters, and our diocesan bishop, bishop Charlie Masters will retire. It means our next two synods in November 2021, and the Fall of 2022 will become electoral synods to elect two new bishops. The bishop elected this Fall will be consecrated bishop in 2022, and the second bishop will follow a year later. Nominations are now open until July 1st for this year. Bishops Charlie and Trevor have guided us wisely and warmly and we need to pray for their successors, that they might be the men of God’s choosing.

Dan Gifford continues as one of 7 archdeacons across the country. This means that he gives leadership in parishes when it is needed. Last year Dan served on the national task force which looked at restructuring ANiC for the future. This year I am involved with the theological education, clergy training and ordination task force for ANiC. As a new church we need to develop godly standards for training and ordination, which cares for the individuals in the process, and for the long term health of the church of God. I am also involved in writing and editing a book on the Anglican crisis and our experience of the formation of the Network. A number of those involved are contributing chapters as a kind of memoir to God’s goodness to us.


This January our Trustees initiated a five year high level planning process. Please pray for us as we seek to discern God’s priorities for us so that more people here in Vancouver may obtain the salvation that is in Jesus Christ with eternal glory.



Praise be to God! The Trustee’s are so very thankful for all that God has done to continue to hold our St. John’s Vancouver community together this year. It is in times like these that we are given an opportunity to see things in a different way, to learn new skills, to adapt and most importantly to trust God and pray. We are not told it will be easy, but that with God all things are possible.

As we have all had to learn to do things differently, we especially wish to thank all of St. John’s staff and the “Reform” group for carrying the heavy load, keeping us on our toes throughout all the changes in how we can gather, being creative and trusting in God. What a blessing, the young adults have been, stepping in to help with the ‘production’ of church services. Small groups have been a key to continuing to grow together in God’s word and be in community with each other, a place to care for each other. Although there have been many challenges, with not being able to gather together in person, and we know online services and events are not for everyone.

We are encouraged to see how our online gatherings have evolved through the commitment to persevere and try new things, such as including testimonies and a Question and Response time after the service. Many of our core ministries have successfully pivoted and adapted in order to move forward with the goals related to our three pillars of Gospel Proclamation; Gospel Formation: and Gospel Application.

We give praise to God for the ways He has provided for St. John’s needs financially in 2020. We are very grateful to you, our congregation members, who give faithfully, allowing our ministries to continue and thrive. Thank you for your commitment to the ministry of giving.

This year the Trustees have been focusing on several key priorities as part of our oversight role:

1. Ensuring that we are making progress in implementing all elements of the Three Pillars Vision. 2. Actively setting and communicating clear priority focus areas for the next five years. 3. Continuing to discern the available options for a suitable church property. 4. Financial oversight.

This year Trustees will bid farewell to Christine Klukas and Matt Strolz, both of whom have served us as Trustees faithfully for many years. We thank God for their gifts and wisdom, for their commitment and contributions to St. John’s. We especially thank Christine for serving two stints as Treasurer from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2014 to 2020.

As Trustees, we look forward to the day we can all meet together again in person to be in fellowship with each other as one body. We know 2021 will continue to be a year of many unknowns, but we put our trust in God’s ever faithful hands. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact myself or any one of the Trustees through the church office.
