8 minute read

Unbreakable Bond

Unbreakable Bond by Terri Shayne


What is an unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter? I will tell you what that unbreakable bond looks like between Simone Carter and Letrise Carter. These two lovely ladies have a very special and unique bond and relationship that is a true testimony of breaking generational curses.

Simone Carter has a very special relationship with her mother Letrise. Many of her friends envy the relationship that she has with her mom. They admire and respect the open lines of communication that Simone and Letrise have between one another. The love and adore the friendship, quality time, and laughter between the two of them. If you meet them on the street, you would not think they were mother and daughter but more like sisters.

Simone had an amazing childhood that she just simple smile about right to this day. Her mom made sure to nurture, cultivate, reward, and show her how to hone in on her gifts and many talents. At an early age of 4, Simone was exposed to professional dance, theater, and sports activities. She even did the “brownies” and “girl scouts” clubs. Being an active child through adolescent taught Simone discipline, structure, and showed her that whatever she set her mind so she can do it and become it.

While taking an interest in theater, Letrise exposed Simone while in middle school to Alvin Alley Dance Company and live theater by traveling to various states to see Plays with African American actors/actress to show her daughter people that looked like her. It was a seed that Letrise was planting in Simone at a young age of twelve years old.

The sky was the limit that was installed in her by Letrise. Most importantly, she got baptize and saved at the age of 7. Letrise is a strong believer in Christ and one of her favorite scriptures that she has instilled in Simone is about faith. Taken from the James 2:14 (NKJV) has significant meaning to her and Simone. It holds true to everything that Simone and Letrise’s heart's desire, dreams, and goals for their business.

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

What a remarkable relationship between a mother and daughter who bond is thicker than blood, but bound by love, passion, commitment, God’s unconditional love, and respect for one another. A mother could not ask for a better role.

Talking with Letrise, her daughter Simone is her heart because she taught her what the real meaning of unconditional love really means from the first day she held a baby girl in her arms. She knew then that she had to give her a better life and a have a better relationship. Each generation should get better than the one before them that is how generational curses are broken.

Their bond is unbreakable in so many aspects such as being business partners for Sistah’s Creative Media. Working together on Sistah’s Place and being Letrise’s PR manager for her author, and both businesses. Letrise is teaching Simone about being an entrepreneur, creating multiple streams of income, tapping into her gifts and talents’, realizing what she is passionate about is not just a dream, and teaching her about being a woman that is powerful inside out.

“I asked both ladies to share some fun facts about their relationship and dreams so that folks can get to know this dynamic duo that has a true unbreakable bond.”

Simone Carter and Letrise answer a few of my questions about their relationship and this mindblowing, heartfelt, and yes envious mother-daughter bond they have. Plus as a bonus, the ladies share some of their goals and dreams with me. Nothing is impossible, you have to step out on faith and trust that God has gone ahead, “it’s already done”. Just put in the work and it will come to pass.

Simone: My mother and I relationship can be summed up in two words best friends. She is more than just my mother, but she is my best friend. As I get older I realize I depend on her wisdom more than my girlfriends.

Terri: What makes your relationship different from others?

Simone: I’d have to say that we share everything with each other. There are no secrets in our relationship. My friends have always picked on me for the bond my mother and I have.

Terri: What inspires you both about each other?

Simone: What inspires me about my mother is that she is such a go-getter. She never lets anything stands in her way and I fear for whoever and whatever does try to stand in her way. Lol

Simone: I’d have to say that my mother made sure the line of communication is always open. She never silences my thoughts or feelings. She welcomed my opinion because she believes it’s what makes the little person grow up knowing their input matters.

Terri: What is it about corporate America that made you want to walk away from it?

Simone: When I first went to school I never really saw myself working for someone until retirement. In the back of my mind, I always wondered and hoped that after the long journey with school I had the tools needed to launch my own company. Corporate was just never the end goal for me but offered great experiences for me to build on for my company.

Terri: What drives you to pursue your Passion?

Simone: The mere thought of looking back and think I never tried and knowing that I have a great support team behind me is what drives me.

Terri: What’s next for you?

Simone: I am currently working on launching Simone Alexandria while I partner with my mom’s media business Sistah’s Creative Media. Simone Alexandria will be a Social Media Management boutique targeting the entertainment, beauty, and lifestyle brand industry. I am doing research to launch my own online shoe boutique. I LOVE shoes, booties, boots, and sandals of all styles. I have a desire in my heart to design my own shoes someday.

I am a millennium with BIG dreams and a mom who will continue to encourage me, push me, and dare me to go after what some may think is impossible.

Simone Carter is truly a chip off the old block as they say of her mother. Many call them twins because of their beauty and unique abilities to want more. Well to want more, you got to do more and go after the impossible dreams. You will encounter hurdles but that is why God taught you how to jump.

Now let’s learn some fun facts about Letrise Carter, a woman of many hats.

What facts will Letrise reveal about her unbreakable bond with Simone Carter? She gives us a glimpse of what motherhood means, what her relationship means with her daughter, and she talks a little bit about her dreams and goals.

Letrise Carter is a one of a kind with a big heart that goes well with her big dreams and big goals. See what she is talking about.

Good Life Media Productions

Terri: How would you describe your relationship?

Letrise: Our relationship is authentic and honest. We value one another’s opinion and hold respect for each other. We are best friends yet at the end of the day, I am still a mom. I love her no matter what decisions she makes. I don’t pass judgment on her, I make mistakes teachable moments.

Terri: What makes your relationship different from others?

Letrise: We talk about everything and laugh together, and cry together. We do lots of activities together, travel together, and we set aside mother-daughter time

Terri: What inspires you both about each other?

Letrise You cannot tell us NO and we don’t let others talk us out of our dreams or purpose. I use to laugh when Simone would cut people out of her circle when she was little. All throughout middle school thru present day she does what I do. She knows how to remove folks from her circle that does help her grow, inspire her, empower her, pray for her, and be authentic with her. It’s something she watched me do that she imitates that inspires me even more because I know she is watching me.

Terri: What makes the bond between the two of you unique and so strong?

Letrise: I have to say it’s the praying mother in me that makes our bond strong. Simone and I pray over each other but also together. I am her biggest and best supporter in this life to push her unconditionally and unapologetic. Simone and I inspire and motivate one another to make our bond strong and unique. She encourages me and I do the same for her. I love it.

Letrise: My role in Corporate America does not reflect my vision for my life’s desire nor does it represent something I can pass on to my children and grandchildren. The owner’s dream is not mine and I am at a place in life that I must step out in faith to do what is burning in my heart. I call it “my burning bush”. Many of us don’t listen to that voice speaking to us to discover who you are and what your purpose is in life.

Terri: What drives you to pursue your Passion?

Letrise: Getting up every day going into someone else's dream drives my passion to pursue my own goals and dreams. Sistah’s Creative Media and Sistah’s Place is my legacy not my current job in corporate America. I cannot leave that to anyone.

Terri: What’s next for you?

Letrise: Well, these last two months I have been focused on Sistah’s Place Magazine, and now with that launch behind me. I can re-focus on Sistah’s Place Blog Talk show that we will kick back off in July 2018. I am super excited about that along with the sequel to my debut novella Deceitful Secrets, I will start writing book two in the series toward the end of July targeting Thanksgiving or Christmas release.

I am looking forward to finishing up the website series for Deceitful Secrets before book 2 in the series comes out. I am making some amazing changes to that. I am taking some screenwriting classes because I dream of writing for film and television and I have a few scripts in mind for both film and television.

I am working on building business relationships for Sistah’s Creative Media so that I can hopefully by God’s grace run that business full-time in 2019. I do plan to create some workshops that will help small business and single moms. Look out for that in 2019. I have big goals and dreams so everyone will need to follow me on social media to keep up with all of my endeavors and projects.

That sums up getting to know Letrise and Simone Carter. Did you learn something new about them? They are two black women that are beautiful and hold an unbreakable bond for life. I can honestly see Simone passing down the values, morals, and unconditional love that her mom Letrise shares with her to her own children someday. It’s important in the black community to make our bonds strong with our children so that many generational curses are broken with the next one.

Follow these lovely ladies on social media as they are an Unbreakable duo of Black Excellence vibrating that Black Girl magic. Can’t you feel it?

Terri Shayne is a freelance journalist and writer currently working on a few televisions scripts. She enjoys working with indie film directors and producers. She has written for several online magazines and articles throughout her career as a freelance journalist and Ghostwriter.