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Tropical fruits

The spiky skin protects tangy yellow flesh. This star-shaped fruit comes in sweet and sour varieties.

Each fruit contains around 250 edible seeds.


Star fruit


The world’s largest tree-borne fruit, it can grow up to 36 in (90 cm) long.

Jackfruit Passion fruit

This sweet fruit is usually eaten like an apple.


Sweet, fleshy fruit contains spicy-tasting seeds that can be used as a substitute for pepper.

The long, soft spines turn red or yellow when the fruit is ripe.

Tropical fruits come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and flavors. These colorful fruits grow in warm, wet regions but are now shipped all over the world where they have become very popular.

This giant fruit, packed full of smaller fruits inside, can weigh up to 121 lb (55 kg).


While all the tropical fruits shown here are commonly eaten raw and whole, many are also used in a range of other ways. Pineapples and passion fruits are often juiced, while rambutans and guavas are made into jams. The white fruits inside jackfruits can be used

Each rambutan tree produces more than 6,000 fruits

in a year.

Speckled flesh tastes faintly of kiwi fruit.


Inside the fruit

Hairy, brittle skin encloses edible white flesh inside.

The juicy flesh has a grainy texture and tastes like caramel.

Chikoo Dragon fruit

Vivid pink flesh tastes like a mix of pear and strawberry.


White segments are sweet and tangy.


Mangosteen L ychee

in baking, and their stringy texture has made them popular as an alternative to meat in vegetarian and vegan cooking. Asian dishes are sometimes sweetened using star fruits and papayas. Persimmons are used to add flavor to smoothies and cold desserts, while lychees are poached in syrup to be eaten with ice cream. The smelly durian has a unique flavor that some love and others hate. Known as the king of fruits, durians are used to make a huge variety of sweet treats, including candies, cakes, and ice cream.

Cream-colored flesh tastes like sweet custard with a hint of onion.

Inedible skin

This perfumed fruit encases a large, oval-shaped seed.