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Blossom time

Pink flowers grow in clusters in spring, and produce purple seed pods.



Showers of yellow flowers give this tree its other name, “golden rain.”

This upright petal guides pollinators to the nectar.

Chinese redbud Mock orange

The fragrant flowers of this shrub contain oils used in perfumes.

These beautiful flowering branches spread out and provide shade in hot, tropical environments.


In 2018, scientists created a natural dye using the bright red flowers of the royal poinciana tree. This dye can be used to color silk and cotton fabrics.

Royal poinciana

Blossom is the name for the flowers that grow on trees and bushes, which often produce colorful displays in spring and summer. Changes in temperature and day length signal to the plant when to bloom. When pollinated, blossoms grow into fruits. Some trees, such as blackthorn and magnolia, begin to flower even before their leaves unfurl, which may help pollinators find their flowers more easily. After pollination, fruits such as mock oranges and apples, as well as seed pods of trees such as laburnum

Each bud opens into a five-petaled flower in early spring. A healthy apple tree can produce fruits for more than 100 years.


These delicate pink and white blossoms produce fruit in fall.

Chinese fringe tree

These feathery, snow-white flowers are mildy fragrant.


The blue flowers are produced for up to two months.

Jacaranda Magnolia

Thick petals help flowers withstand pollination by big, clumsy beetles.


flowers have bloomed since the time of the dinosaurs.

and Chinese redbud, can take many months to develop. Although people usually grow flowering trees for their attractive flowers or edible fruit, some blossoms, such as those of magnolia, are also used in perfumes and traditional Chinese medicine. In Japan, festivals are held in early spring to celebrate the beauty of blossoming trees, particularly cherry and plum, with people coming from around the world to view the magnificent displays.