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Lions Student Of The Month

The West Earl Lions, along with the Brownstown Elementary School, have announced the March Student of the Month. The honor goes to first grader Adalyn Ranck, daughter of Tyler and Amanda Ranck, and student of Mrs. Koehnke.

Mrs. Koehnke says that Adalyn comes to school with a sweet smile and a great attitude, ready to learn. She is respectful to her teacher and her friends as they learn. When things get tough, she digs in and perseveres, staying positive and focused. Adalyn has a gentle spirit, helpful to everyone. Her friends love her because she is patient and kind, sympathetic and considerate of others feelings. Adalyn is honest with friends and teachers. She enjoys telling her teacher about the book she is reading, fun times with her family and showing pictures that she has drawn. Mrs. Koehnke had no doubt that Adalyn would be March Student of the Month.

The West Earl Lions congratulate Adalyn and wish her much success and happiness as she continues her school years. The West Earl Lions recently held a Food Drive at Oregon Dairy and wish to thank the store, all who participated and those who contributed to the Club’s success.

W. Yoder’s “Rosanna Of The Amish.”

“Rosanna’s Final Illness And Her Funeral”

Rosanna’s husband, Christ Yoder, was a preacher; they had four sons and lived on a big farm. Rosanna was ill with consumption for about a year. The final two weeks of her life she was in bed. Her sons spent the nights with her and a maid the days. Christ and the sons were with her when she died on a Saturday afternoon. Friends and neighbors helped to prepare for the funeral. Levi Hartzler drove the body to the graveyard in his spring wagon. The undertaker built the coffin. The funeral was held on a Tuesday. The carriages came from all directions. When they drove to the cemetery, the funeral procession was a mile long. The funeral sermon was delivered in the downstairs bedroom (which had been emptied of its furnishings); the mourners were seated in every room of the house.

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