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GRI improves access to conservation information and encourages local communities to explore the aesthetic, economic and ecological benefits o wildlife. Conservation awareness is delivered via multiple channels to optimise impact and reach This year, we launched our established community radio programme, Conservation Conversations on 1015 Adroit Radio It is now broadcast weekly, from Itezhi-Tezhi and Luangwa, reaching over 80,000 listeners. Sport has also become a valuable platform for us to disseminate information to large audiences; over 9,000 people gathered to support the Kafue Youth Tournaments in August


In 2022, through the provision of training, resource and ongoing mento i t b ilt th capacity of 100 te conservation clubs. M in areas highly affect resulting in very neg Others are located in u have never encoun Conservation Clubs a generation of decision incredible wildlife and environment.

We were delighted t Zambia across all thre celebrate Internationa our Conservation Club further collaborations