2 minute read

The Cost of Living Crisis at Shiplake

By Richard Wang and Monty Wallace

The cost of living crisis has caused people to have to choose between heating their homes and eating. Demand for food banks has reached an alarmingly high rate due to increased food prices. Inflation is at 11.1%. The situation in the UK is dire. How did this happen? And what does this mean for the College?


We wanted to find out how the cost of living would impact us here at Shiplake, so we asked the school bursar, Mr Dixon, and the headmaster, Mr Howe.

How has the school been affected by the cost of living crisis?

Food, energy, textbooks, cleaning. Mr Dixon stated that energy was the most imminently impacted. However, he also said that the school has been on a fixed energy contract, so we have not been affected too badly. That contract ended in December 2022, which means that we are now going to face an energy price hike of around 300-400%. Additionally, food costs are going to increase significantly. For example, the market price for wheat is up 62% per tonne and cheddar cheese prices are up 34%. The school wishes to maintain the high levels of food quality, meaning that they are looking for substitutes that can lower the cost but not the quality.


The Cost of Living Crisis at Shiplake

By Richard Wang and Monty Wallace

Has the school made any changes due to the cost of living crisis?

Both Mr Dixon and Mr Howe mentioned that the school has been helped due to the mild winter meaning that we could keep the heating off until recently. Additionally, the school has also invested in more smart metering systems. Mr Dixon said that he was keen to work with the eco-committee to influence usage. The swap to Microsoft has reduced the use of paper, which is good for the school's budget and for the environment.

How has the crisis affected plans for expansion in the future?

Mr Howe says that the school is focusing on the musts and needs of the pupils and parents rather than on the wants. Mr Dixon said that Shiplake is lucky as it is oversubscribed in every year group. The school plans to build a full-size astroturf pitch and a new teaching block in the Stableyard. While these have been affected by increased costs, there is a confidence that we are still able to do them.

Will school fees be affected?

They both mentioned that for now they do not know how fees will be impacted and that this is decided at the end of the year. However, they stressed that they were aware that the parents were also being affected by the rising inflation.

What can we, as members of the college, do to help?

Mr Dixon commented on the need to close windows while the heating is on and turning off lights. Additionally, he asks that both the students and teachers stop printing so much now that everyone has things electronically. Finally, Mr Howe stressed the importance of being mindful of the bigger picture, with everyone doing their part.