1 minute read


Will the partnership be a big distraction from running the business?

No it won’t. Our priority will always be to ensure we are able to provide an accessible service for all our residents. We have a small number of people who are concentrating on the partnership - these people do not work in our front line services.

Will you lose your local connection by joining a national organisation?

Under the proposal we still intend to keep a local presence. The ways that our residents currently access our services will remain the same on the day SBHA joins the Guinness Group (such as a dedicated online offer, customer contact centre and housing team). Residents should continue to get in touch and report issues in the same way they currently do.

Is there a risk that either organisation will be financially weaker after the partnership?

One of the main drivers for this proposed partnership is increasing financial strength and resilience. As part of this process we are carrying out detailed due diligence to provide assurance to both our Boards. We have shared our plans with our Lenders and they are supportive of the proposed changes.