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Protection Spells

Protection is associated with the god Mars/Ares whose day is Tuesday, his colour is red, his herb is tobacco, and his flower is the portulaca. The most basic protection spell would, therefore, be done by assembling the above things on a Tuesday. Light a red candle rubbed with some tobacco and state your request for protection. 63 is the number of the god Mars/Ares, the archetype of protection. Secretly write the number 63 on things you would like protected and say this old invocation: -

Ave Aries

I have been attached to your holy form.I have been given power by your holy name.I have acquired your emanation for the goods,Lord, God of gods, master daimon.

Try supercharging your protection spell by adding the following ancient hermetic phrase to the end of the above chant. Don’t worry about the exact pronunciation. The correct phrasing has been lost over time; however, the energy attached to the intention behind these words has continued to build with the passing years and is extremely effective.


One of the oldest and best known written magick squares is the SATOR/ROTAS Square. You can find the SATOR/ROTAS on walls and vessels of ancient Rome and is still used as a protective charm. This practise was in place in the 1200’s when it was found on the wall of the Duorno,

Vienna. It was placed there by the builder to protect the church from negative influences. One of the earliest depictions was in Pompeii. (Destroyed 79 A.D.) In amulet form, it can be used as a protection against sorcery, poisonous air, colic, pestilence, early souring of cow's milk, and against rabid dogs in medieval times. This powerful talisman was often used to prevent fires and theft.

The SATOR/ROTAS reads the same, up and down, back to front. The reversing words are SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and R O TA S . S AT O R a n d R O TA S a r e palindromic, as are OPERA and AREPO. TENET crosses itself in the middle of the square, the letter N being the centre of the square, the root holding it all together. The meaning is no great mystery as they are Latin words that you can look up in any Latin/English dictionary: -

• Sator = Sower, planter father or promoter.

• Arepo = Shortened form of the name of a hill in Athens called “Mars Hill” an open air criminal court; can refer

to person/s from a court. Pertaining to the God Mars/Ares.

• Tenet = To hold, keep, restrain, prevail or occupy; has come to mean an ideal held central to a belief system.

• Opera = Exertion, work or service, to do ones best; has come to mean a work of drama set to songs.

• Rotas = Potter’s wheels, torture wheels, car, disc; to rotate. Cycles. This imputes a request to Aries to exert himself to bring justice to the petitioner on principle and to break a bad cycle or a curse and to turn the wheel to begin a new better cycle.

To use the SATOR/ROTAS square for this purpose: - Draw the SATOR/ROTAS on a piece of paper and place under front door mats, on window sills, under mattresses and on gate posts to provide protection for your family

To Protect Pets

Write the SATOR/ROTAS square on a small piece of rice paper and allow your pet to swallow it along with their feed.

The Magick Square of Protection

Not all magickal squares are based on “spelling” only. With the advent of Gematria - letters as numerical values - and a proliferation of magickal scripts, these eventually evolved into numerical

To Turn Enemies Into Friends

Finally, try this slightly more advanced but highly effective little spell. It uses ancient Greek composite words to invoke the egregore of Mars. Again, don’t worry about getting the pronunciation exactly right. You will find that these words have a force of their own. Say: - THOOUTH THOOUTH Restrain the anger and wrath of (NN)

towards me

(NN) with the authority of the great God


Repeat this three times.

All these protection spells are from Shé D’Montford’s book, “Quick Useful & Effective Spells for the Seven Most Wished For Things”

Distributed through Ingram and available from all good bookstores or you can order it on-line here:

http://www.lulu.com/shop/sh%C3%A9-dmontford/quick-spells/paperback/ product-18874554.html