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Prayer Retreat 10 Financial Update

Prayer As we begin a New Year, we encourage

Retreat you to start the year with some rest and renewal. We invite you to set aside time to learn about prayer and spend time listening to God's voice. On Saturday, January 14th, we will gather at Spring Garden Church for a day-long prayer retreat. We will be joined by Rev. Andrea Chang, a pastor and spiritual director who will lead us through some prayer practices. There will be time for learning as a community as well as time to be on your own and pray. The retreat will run from 9am-3pm. The cost for the day is $25 and lunch/snacks/coffee are included. Please sign up by January 7th by visiting www.tiny.cc/SGCprayer.


Financial Update:

As our financial year is drawing to an end, we want to give you an update. Our estimated expenses to the end of the year are $600,000. In order for us to meet the costs of ministry this year approximately $26,000 per Sunday for the remainder of 2022. For those considering making a donation to the church, you can donate securities such as stocks and mutual funds. We also accept e-transfer to offering@springgardenchurch.ca. Contact Marion Cameron at marion.cameron@sgbc.ca for more information. We are grateful for the community’s faithful generosity throughout the year, and ask that you prayerfully consider the church’s needs this Advent.


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