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How Great Leaders Inspire Action

How do you do what you do? What Do You Do? How? What? What’s the purpose? Why do you do what you do? Why? “I feel passionate about helping people in my communities. The agencies serve an extremely critical role in retaining students on campus, making students feel safe, and off ering a place of resources for communities that are under-served elsewhere” “I want to be an agency of change in my community… to be a part of something bigger than myself and lead this organization to achieve our vision to educate, advocate, and empower here at FSU” “I want to continue and improve the one place I was able to call home when I entered FSU” “By providing events, identity nights, leadership opportunities and a social media outlet, we are able to foster an environment that emphasizes inclusivity, intersectionality and accessibility.” “Programmatic division of the Executive Branch created to provide support for and education on a particular select identity group.” “Advocate, provide support, and resources.” “To provide the same welcoming experience that I had as a freshman coming to FSU.” “Uplift, empower and put on educational, fun and politically active programming.” “Promotes and spreads awareness.” “Strives to provide and promote economic, political and academic enrichment”. “Facilities networking among organizations, departments, and services.” “Promote self-autonomy, denounce all limitations, educate on systems of oppression, advocate inclusivity within a diverse community.” “Teaching leadership skills, encouraging involvement and promoting advocacy.” “Plan General Body Meetings that will occur at least once a month.” “By providing cultural program and materials, which promote awareness and appreciation” “Provides services and programs to address the needs.”

“To provide a safe space, a home, resources, and representation on FSU’s campus.” “Centralized coordinator of resources and services.”
