7 minute read

Loggers Slam SFGN


Local Log Cabin President blasts SFGN’s coverage of recent events

10 x 0 = 0 correct? SFGN has lost all its common sense in reporting any objectivity that goes against their narrative 10 x 0 = 1 with their thinking and reporting.

First, it began a couple of months ago when this publication BLASTED and THREW Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis under the bus for his proclamation of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church celebrating their 60th anniversary. This publication thought it was blasphemous of him doing such an egregious mistrust of the gay and lesbian community, how dare he? What our leftist gay and lesbian community has FAILED to acknowledge and accept is that people, a church, and the views of fair-minded people CAN evolve.

My partner, who was raised in that church and attended Westminster Academy, and I, attend Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church regularly WITHOUT any prejudice, scorning, or mockery. We are welcomed there warmly with open arms as Jesus did over 2,000 years ago and would today!

My brilliant father had a saying: “You can look back, but don’t stare!” This publication and our very compassionate (not) gay and lesbian community are STARING in the past and REFUSE to phantom the possibility anyone’s point of view could and can have evolved over the years. HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY HAPPEN? I need grandma’s nerve pill!!

Secondly the trans bill, that Governor DeSantis signed, MANY WITH COMMON SENSE WOULD AGREE that a biological MALE can in no way shape or form compete on an equal basis with a biological female. Again, this publication threw Representative Chip LaMarca under the bus for his COMMON SENSE vote banning trans athletes competing against other females. Representative LaMarca, a REPUBLICAN, has truly been a champion for our gay and lesbian community and to throw him under the bus because of common sense in itself is ludicrous and disingenuous.

Again, common sense would yield that the trans folks create their own scholastic sporting events competing amongst themselves. How soon y’all forget the

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Photo via the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church website.

fundraiser for Representative LaMarca at Georgie’s Alibi in the past years?

Thirdly, and finally, Caitlyn Jenner, the MOST visible and viable poster for trans people in America, running for governor of California, HAS COMMON SENSE, which everyone here reading should go and see her interview on Sean Hannity’s FOX New show last week.

Again, the leftists are trashing and throwing Caitlyn under the bus … why? She’s a conservative and that goes against ANY of the liberal narrative. Seriously? Anyone who would have thought 30 years ago we would have a trans woman running for governor of California and soon to announce a gay Republican, Richard Grenell, running?

Yes, my friends, it’s the REPUBLICANS who have taken the lead and are TRULY the party of INCLUSION, whereas the Democrats are only inclusive if you agree with their narrative!

Andrew R Brett

President Log Cabin Republicans of Broward

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By Mike Luckovich

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Brian McNaught

Perhaps more than any other generation, we gay Baby Boomers in the U.S., and elsewhere, have been confronted with seismic challenges, as well as extraordinary opportunities, in our lives, most especially in the images we, and others, have of being gay. We’ve gone in record time from being thought of as child molesters, to proud parents of biological, adopted, and foster children.

We were born into a culture that weren’t sad mistakes, but rather proud considered our natural sexual attractions warriors in the fight for freedom. to be psychologically disordered, and But Gay Liberation required that we make morally impoverished. “Homo,” “Dyke,” and the very personal, courageous decision to “Queer,” were the worst things one could be step forward, and put a face on the issue. labeled on our school’s playgrounds. “Coming out,” was the hardest, most costly

We were invisible in the library and choice we had ever made. Not everyone textbooks. In stories and cinema, we were could do it, because naming ourselves as the most loathsome of all creatures. “homosexual,” “bisexual,” or “transgender”

Transgender people in our age group led us into a no-return life outside of broad were often confused with us. Most people social acceptance. thought, and some still do, that gay men Many of us were kicked out of our families, wished they were women, and lesbians fired from our jobs, and condemned by wished they were men. our denominations as a The derogatory term “He-She” was commonly WE WEREN’T result. Coming out as gay or transgender ended marriages, used, and psychiatrists referred to people who SAD and often meant loss of contact and relationships were transgender as having the “psychopathological MISTAKES, with one’s children. Opposition to gay rights, condition of gender identity disorder.” One tragic outcome BUT RATHER and to reproductive rights, have been the biggest, most of such ignorance and taboo was transgender people PROUD successful fundraising issues in conservative circles, and trying on their own to remove their genitals with kitchen WARRIORS in fundamentalist religions, for the past 50 years. Careers utensils, and dying as a result. Several things contributed IN THE in political office, and in the pulpit, have been made by to the “Sexual Revolution” of the 1960s, which challenged FIGHT FOR vitriolic campaigns against us. not just the cultural moral codes on sexual behavior, FREEDOM. We were “deviants,” who aggressively tried to recruit but also the meaning of innocent children, according being “male” or “female.” The ultimate to the lies told by Anita Bryant, Jerry Falwell, result of that convergence of “Free Love” Fred Phelps, and most other Evangelicals. and feminism was the emergence of a But, their public crusades against our civil gay identity, a lesbian identity, a bisexual rights emboldened most of us, rather than identity, and a transgender identity. scared us off, and they forced our family

I was in college when transgender and and friends to take a stand. “Are gay people gay people fought the police at the Compton children of God?” “Is it a choice?” Cafeteria, and later at the Stonewall Inn. In 1982, we not only were feared as Then, everything changed, including the preying on innocent children, but, even image we had of ourselves. “Gay is good,” scarier, as carriers of imminent death. AIDS we insisted to ourselves and to others. We (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

Photo via Adobe.

was originally called GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) and, “the gay cancer.” We were young men and women who lived in fear of contracting, through sex, a deadly disease, and were the generation who cared for and buried thousands of our young friends, because their own families would have nothing to do with them. Neither would many funeral homes, churches, and cemeteries. We said, “Silence Equals Death.” They said, “Gay Equals Death.” “AIDS is God’s Punishment.”

Once again, rather than be defeated by the culture of sickness and death that threatened our future, our community, and our allies, became strengthened in our resolve to overcome fear, and fight back against our foes in the media, politics, and in the churches. We did so by organizing and lobbying our religious, political, and corporate leaders, forming our own health care, community and youth centers, marching annually in Gay Pride parades, and creating the largest, most magnificent folk art artifact in American history: The Quilt.

We started newspapers and radio programs, created a flag, wrote books, songs, and TV and movie scripts, ran for office, and embraced every related group within our ranks. We morphed from the Gay Liberation Movement into the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Non-Binary Community.

Hundreds of LGBT organizations were formed in high schools, colleges, places of employment, churches, in every profession, and in every city and state. We created national watchdog and advocacy organizations for the law, media, and elections. We argued civil cases at every level, and succeeded in overturning all laws that criminalized sexual behavior between