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Joe Wicks’ 5 Rules for Happiness

If you found 2021’s lockdowns tougher than last year’s, you are not alone. A YouGov survey of UK employees for the world’s largest job site, Indeed.co.uk, saw 44% of all employees say their mental health has been worse in 2021 than during 2020’s lockdowns. Only 15% said their mental health is better this year than last year.

Fitness coach Joe Wicks, also known as The Body Coach, commented in the report, saying: “One thing I think is more important than ever right now is communicating how you feel with friends and family or work colleagues. A lot of people are suffering with feelings of anxiety and depression and bottling up a lot of emotion. Staying connected with friends or family and letting it out will really help you realise that you are not feeling it alone. It’s essential for your mental health to know you are not alone and to communicate your feelings.” 1. Clear your head, get some zeds “It’s so easy to get into a JOESIRJOE’S TOP FIVE TIPS FOR MENTAL WELLBEING: routine of having little sleep just trying to push on, but sleep really is essential, especially for our mental health. Studies have shown the importance of sleep for our stress levels and a link between lack of sleep and depression. If you struggle with getting a good night’s sleep and know it could be better, this should be your number one priority.”


2. Exercise when it suits you “I’m a big believer in the

power of a morning workout to set you up for a positive and energised day, but the truth is exercise is good for you any time of the day, so I suggest exercising at the time you feel most energised.”


3. Prepare for success “Since the very start of my journey on social media I’ve been highlighting the importance of meal prepping like a boss to get lean and healthy. Batch cooking big meals like homemade chilli, bolognese, risotto or soups and stews means you are literally setting yourself up for success.” 4. Water right “Many people do not hydrate enough. Everything in the body functions better when we are properly hydrated. It helps with feelings of hunger but also helps with your energy, focus and concentration.” 5. It’s good to talk “I had a cry on a live Instagram one night in front of 5,000 people and I felt absolutely fantastic after. It’s okay to feel emotional and to let that show. Having a good cry or a talk will release that energy and you’ll feel better afterwards.”