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Funding for safe cycle and walking route


Sevenoaks District Council has secured £1.2 million for a new east to west cycle and walking route in Sevenoaks town. The bid forms part of the Council’s ambition to cut the District’s carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2030. In part, the outline proposal would provide an alternative to the A25 for cyclists and walkers. To the west, the route would start at Amherst and Riverhead Schools then towards Brittains Lane and on to London Road before crossing over to Robyns Way. At this point the route would split into northern and southern legs with another route to Knole Academy. The north route would head towards Trinity School and The Weald Of Kent and Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys annexes and south towards Granville School. The southern route extends to Hitchen Hatch Lane, back onto London Road before ending at Sevenoaks train station. Most of the town’s residents will be close enough to make use of the routes and, by improving the connections to local schools and the rail station, the routes will be popular with children and commuters. The works would include widening existing footpaths, the creation of new links between existing footpaths and upgrading road crossings. The next steps will involve developing a detailed plan in partnership with Kent County Council, the local transport authority, and seeking the views of local people. Cllr Peter Fleming, Leader of the Council, said: “Securing more than £1 million for a new cycling and walking route is amazing news for the town. The route will offer new opportunities for residents to get around Sevenoaks safely using sustainable transport. This will help continue to improve local air quality, particularly near schools and in residential areas. “Despite not being the transport authority, our promotion of this scheme and successful funding bid shows we are determined to deliver on our ambition for carbon free travel options and a Net Zero District by 2030. ” Sevenoaks District Council heard it was successful with its funding bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) for the new route in May. It was one of only two councils in Kent with successful bids.


• We would love to hear what you think about the proposed changes to Sevenoaks Town’s northern quarter? Will you use the new cycling and walking network to get to work or school? Do you think it will make a real difference to the NetZero targets set by the District Council? Email us at editorial@sevenoakssports.co.uk.