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At Church Of The Servant

During our first month at Church of the Servant we, as your pastoral team, have focused on one important task for ourselves and for our congregation: listening to God. How does an entire congregationhundreds of people listen to God? How do they hear a common voice? How do they become one in heart and mind?

One way is for us to pray together - in person, at a specific time and place. In August, every Monday in the Chapel of the Cross, beginning at 6:30 PM, the whole congregation is invited to a time of prayer. We will be praying for:

• Those of us who have suffered loss.

• Those of us who are struggling with health issues or special needs.

• Those who ask for prayer in the moment and those who have sent us requests for prayer.

• Those who want to spend time kneeling at the chancel rail.

In addition to these, we will be lifting to God our entire congregation.

James tells us what happens when we do this: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.... Pray for each other so that you all may be healed.” James 5:13-16.

Note that the last line, which reads, “ . . . so that ALL OF YOU may be healed.” When we take care of each other and pray for each other, the whole church finds healing.

In addition to initiating these Monday night prayer times, we have gathered with Servant’s leadership board as they continue to listen for God’s voice. They have been focusing on several specific practices:

• When we meet, we ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us.

• With God’s help, we work to lay aside our personal agendas and the predetermined outcomes of the decisions. (This is not easy!)

• We try to thoroughly understand all sides of a situation, weighing pros and cons.

• We spend time in quiet and reflection, attuning our hearts to God’s