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Chasing A Dream Lafromnewyork 05

About this song from the artist: "Chasing A Dream" is one of my most vulnerable songs. It's the first song of a new chapter in my life. I felt like I wanted to make music with more meaning and transparency while being vulnerable with my fans. This is an olive branch to them: to step into my world and let them know that I'm supporting them in their world as well. This song represents confidence, faith, being true to who you are, and elevation.


A Harlem native who didn’t find his passion for music until his freshman year of college. Edwich Etienne, who goes by Eddie, has a strong connection to the R&B genre. ÉTN wants to be able to create a unique sound in the R&B industry where he’s able to express his emotions and creativity, and be able to talk about certain topics that aren’t really spoken about in todays society.

Talking about this song, Young Roley says: "Feels is a song about me just talk about my past experiences and how I was able to overcome it. I also talk about what I learned in the process. It’s my favorite song I’ve made so far. I would say the music I make is wide ranging, I try to explore different sounds and styles. As an artist I’m very expressive, I love talking about my feelings and thoughts and experiences. I’m able to get them out and process them, through a fire medium.

19 year old singer/songwriter Kii, speaking about this song, says: "Vanity is a song that you just have to sit down and experience. Once I heard the sample for the first time, I was immediately drawn into a feeling of love, but the instruments also had some uneasiness to it. I wanted to write a song that matched the music's vibe, but also gave affirmations of comfort. It’s lyrics aren’t deep, but it’s melodies are made so that you can just be immersed in a sound that glides through your ears."