2 minute read

Fund Types 1,225 Total Funds $885 Million

Each fund type allows a community, donor or nonprofit to accomplish their goals. See which fund type best fits your charitable intentions. Find SDCF fund list on page 33.

Agency Endowment Funds


Created by nonprofit organizations to provide a long-term funding source.

Community Savings Accounts

Give community members a way to support basic needs and enhance the quality of life in their hometown. A local advisory council raises funds and distributes grants in the community. On page 31, learn how Beresford Area Foundation is creating a legacy for local charitable causes.

Designated Funds

Benefit specific charitable organizations selected by the donor. With a designated fund, you can support organizations that are important to you for generations. Learn more about the South Dakota High School Activities Association and their endowment partnership with SDCF on page 13.

Donor Advised Funds

Allow donors maximum flexibility with their giving. Each year, donors recommend nonprofit organizations to receive grants. Donors can also name successor advisors to continue the giving tradition or designate the organizations they would like to receive grants beyond their lifetimes. Learn how Elmer Karl and the Torness family partnered with SDCF to create donor advised funds establishing a long-term funding source for nonprofits they care about on pages 14-15.

Nonpermanent Funds

Create a fund with the purpose of depleting all assets. This fund type is not endowed. Learn how Freedom’s Haven is supporting refugees to South Dakota on page 16.

Field of Interest Funds

Support broad areas of interest, e.g., specific issues, groups or geographic areas. Donors can choose to support causes represented by existing field of interest funds or start their own. SDCF's Board of Directors awards the grants from these funds annually.

Scholarship Funds

Benefit South Dakota students pursuing higher education. As a scholarship fund holder, you will set the focus of the scholarship and application parameters. SDCF will handle all the paperwork necessary to comply with federal regulations and issue the scholarship checks. The Krause Scholarship was created to benefits students in Custer and/or Robert County in South Dakota or Richland County, ND. The Quint Scholarship benefits students in western South Dakota. Learn more on page 17-18.

South Dakota Fund

Help meet the diverse and vital needs of people across the state in the areas of culture, economic development, education, financial literacy, health and human services. Donors can establish a named fund within the South Dakota Fund to honor their family forever. The SDCF's Board of Directors selects grant recipients throughout the year based on a competitive grant selection process. Learn more about SDCF’s unrestricted grantmaking program and its statewide impact on page 20.

To find a list of 2023 donors and foundation grants, please visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/D onorsFoundationGrants

SDCF’s Legacy Society honors and recognizes those who have committed to supporting South Dakota through a planned or current gift to the Foundation. Sharing their abundant blessings, Legacy Society members provide funds to affect positive change for communities and nonprofits forever.